Chapter 6

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(3rd POV)

The explosion had left the water around them to be pushed back due to the sheer force of the blast from dust, rocks, to various other oceanic elements being thrown everywhere.

The agonizing roar of a Titan class seaborn was heard as it crumbles into nothing within a few seconds from the sheer firepower it had to deal with.

Naturally it would die, whilst leaving some few bits of it's flesh and blood that somehow in someway had miraculously survive from the blast.

Launching them everywhere, either splattering on the seafloor, getting sent straight upwards, or some unfortunate creature getting hit by these burnt flesh.

The sheer blast would of course have Viktor and his entire Platoon stagger abit due to the pressure of the water increasing thanks to the blast after it had faded, pushing the protecting them a few inches from where they previously stood.

Dust and smoke covering their surroundings, luckily their upgraded gears and natural adaptability after so much fighting in the sea had help mitigate this small problem.

It took a few minutes for them to be sure that everything was clear before they release the barrier protecting them, Viktor looking at where the blast had occurred.

A large and still slightly burning crater that is quickly being extinguished by the water, infront of them, the former cliff like valley they were once in, was reduce to a pile of flatlands covered in underwater sand and shattered remain of large rocks.

The pressure of the blast awhile ago having destroyed any tall and rocky mountainous like areas, thus giving them a much clearer view their surrounding.

"Julius what's your status and the rest? Are the VIPS safe and uninjured?" He asked through their links.

"Most of us are fine sir, some of the VIPS are injured though this was even before we arrive, luckily it's not critical to danger any of their lives." He nodded with relief at the answer, turning his head over to the group of stranger they have save.

Who are at this point are either stupefied after what they saw or too shock and tired to even think or talk properly, thought he thinks it is the latter from how he notice them.

Few are stupefied while most are just really tired, though he could understand since they had been fighting the seaborns for quite sometime and likely weren't prepare if you look at their current situation.

"Julius, have some medic help their wounded but proceed with caution and try their best to not look hostile or scary to them, we don't want any of them getting spook just because of our appearance and end up causing a problem." Julius gave a confirmed nod before ordering his men.

"Viktor do you copy, this is Elicia, are you and the rest okay?" Her voice rang through his comms as he picks it up and answers.

"We are fine Captain, everyone is safe, though several injured VIPS mostly before we had arrive but none of it are fatal enough risk of killing them." A sigh of relief came out from the other side as Elicia mutters something before speaking back to him.

"That is a relief to hear, it would have been disaster had you and your Platoon not acted fast most of them would have likely been dead, good job Viktor, high command will likely be please with what your did there." He only hum at the compliment whilst continuing to listen.

"We will be arriving their in a few minutes to extract you and our guest, in the meantime you and the rest have a talk with them and gather any Intel you could get from our guest, make sure you don't antagonize them, understand?" She ordered in her strict commanding tone.

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