Chapter 2

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A/N: here is new chapter you all had been waiting for I hope you'll enjoy it.


[Hermit Era Policy|year 200-600]

After the activation of the Storm Field that covered every territory of Siberia, the kingdom began a period of discovery on a lot of things in the 207th year of the kingdom.

One of this were Sky Flight Rail System, invisible like tracks designed specifically to allow trains to move without physical tracks that would commonly be used.

Trains have rune markings on several parts of it's body that helps stabilize the vehicle as it flies through the air.

While also nullifying drag and weight, allowing trains to fly at speed far faster than even supersonic jet planes of the modern world could have reach.

Trains weren't the only vehicles to have the Sky Rail System implemented as many mobile vehicles became capable of moving faster through the air, this is only one of many inventions to be made during the first century of isolation from the rest of the world.

This was also the time Siberia consolidate it's rule on its annexed territory and began developing the areas that they have not yet focus on.

Various villages and small towns would receive better quality in life, education, and in various jobs, uplifting them to become large metropolis in the future.

Many academy and institutions soon sprouted in all corners of the kingdoms along with various ideologies, cultures, and ethnicity being questioned and debate about it.

While this was a concern as it may bring trouble to the kingdom, ultimately this would be a minor issue as it wouldn't affect the kingdom as a whole that much, and might even become a benefit for the nation in the near future.

While minor issue pop because of it, the benefits it could bring outweighed the downside of it, plus constant watch of the population mood, prevents anymore trouble from rising as it is would quickly be solved.

New educational, economical, agricultural, and industrial reforms would be enacted as many species part of the kingdom desire to improve the quality of life better than before, and to have equal rights as those of the elves and fae.

Along with a heavy focus on more study of archaic-science and astrology, many would monitor and study space, dreaming of a chance to reach beyond their world.

Though this wouldn't happen yet in the next millenia as Siberia would be busy in the world stage and in their land to set up a space program.

The kingdom experience multiple reforms throughout the 4 century isolation, the nation didn't have a easy time reforming the nation.

As they're some who resisted to certain reforms be it noble or commoner alike, the nation didn't last this long if they are not able to overcome rebellion.

In the year 358 a rebellion broke out as a band of nobles tried to start a coup but ultimately failed as the government had manage to intercept information regarding of the upcoming rebellion.

It would be later known as the Augustin Rebellion that lasted for a week, mostly purging out traitor that betrayed the crown.

Lead by a noble name Augustin, who was dissatisfied the monarchy of granting more power and rights to the common people, while decreasing those of the nobility, which threaten their livelihood and power altogether.

Tried to persuade his fellow nobles into rebellion many have join him but the crown hold the public on their side, along with several high ranking influential regormist nobles that stayed loyal to the crown.

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