Chapter 5

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"We all thought it was just going to be a crucial mission towards the deeper parts of the sea, fighting monsters of immense caliber, we knew the risk and would die fighting, but never I or the rest would have expected to be drag into a diplomatic situation, we weren't truly prepared for something like that to happen." - Second Lieutenant Wilfred of the 47th Tempest Company.

(3rd POV)

Viktor arrive at the 2nd armory room just in time to see the rest of his Platoon gearing up at their respective stations, he proceeded to move towards his own which was a few meters away.

His new gear standing in full display, as an engineer was taking some adjustments and a few check to ensure it properly works.

"Is the suit ready for Combat Ian?" He asked towards the engineer who was busy checking his suit.

Ian who was Fae gave a few final check before nodding as he looks at Viktor and nodded, before speaking.

"It's at 100% operational I have check it properly and would be functioning well without any problem, just don't go to far on using the CSID or overload it's core and everything should be fine." He finish while giving him a warning look that he knew all about weel Viktor nodded before moving towards the suit.

Ian press some few buttons on his holo-tab as the suit collapses itself into a cloud cloud smoke before it move to surround Viktor.

A second later it reverts back to its original form fully integrating itself with Viktor and its entire system coming online calibrating itself to fully synch with it's host.

"Mm, Synchronization at 84% same result as usual it should take a few seconds or so to fully synchronized itself with you." Ian says as Viktor needed moving his body ever so slightly to get the hang of his new gear.

It's appearance copied the regulsr hunter clothes that Viktor weared with only a few difference, like the slightly thicker armor plating across his body, and the helmet with a v shape visor.

"Hm, the gear seems to look like it is not so different than the previous ones we wear other than the several upgrades it has." Viktor mutters which Ian heard as he nods in agreement.

"It's normal for every new suit to be like that, but once you test it the difference could truly be seen." Viktor agreed with his words since he had first seen what every new type of suit could do.

Never judge a book by its cover as they say and as Viktor was continuing to test his suit, the radio siren of the armory rang with their captains voice on it.

"Attention all Hunters proceed to the launching bay immediately, multiple Category 3 Seaborn hordes have spotted us and are slowly closing in, they'll reach us within 12 minutes all of you be prepared."

Upon hearing the word everyone quickly finish of whatever last check they have as they proceeded to ready their gears and weapons before quickly heading over to the launching bay.

"Category 5! That's the largest concentration of seaborns I ever seen." Ian says in surprise, Viktor nodded since he himself is widely surprised by the turn of events.

This just made the mission more difficult and serious than what they have imagine and he sure as he'll won't die fighting to fulfill their mission.

He quickly finished whatever check was left before putting on his mask on, as it's visor glowed bright blue.

He followed along with the rest as they head over to the launching bay just several meters away from the armory.

All 200 soldiers arrived just in time at the launching bay as Viktor along with Wilhelm and 2 other stood at the front of the rest.

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