Chapter 8

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A/N: sorry for the very long update had been busy for a few months, but I have manage enough time this month to write, anyways I hope you all will enjoy this month new chapter.
(3rd POV)

"Young master please stop and come back!" Wang Lei ignored his servants and guards cry of plea as he continue to run from them, having been planning it for many months now after painstakingly keeping watch of everyone movement and action on a daily basis to ensure his escape would work.

He had to thank his uncles for teaching him several things in the arts of stealth and concealment that greatly helped him in his current situation, being able to sneakily hide himself and escape from his servants and guards watch, the moment they let their guard down was the chance he took to make an escape to go on his own.

He had been desiring to go an adventure on his own but his parents and relatives would not allow it as they fear that he may lose his life in this reckless endeavor he was doing, especially when he is the only heir of their clan but after much begging however he finally manage to convince his family to agree on his wish, on the condition he brings several guards and servants to be with him.

While he was happy that they've agreed, him being escorted by a large retinue did soured his mood as he wanted to be as inconspicuous and not out of the ordinary when goes out, otherwise most would just treat him like any noble son which is annoying to him as he had enough of being treated to be too much by everyone.

Not seeing him as a person but being seen as the heir of the Wang clan, which was annoying as few would treat him as a normal person and due to his status most of his peers or so called friends are only interacting or become friends with him was to gain connection and curry favors because of what he represented and not of who he is.

It made him less trustful to anyone that he meet or interact, seemingly seeing most of the people he interact to be nothing more than opportunist, greedy, or liars that only to gain power from him rather than genuinely just wanting to talk and be friends with him or have the desire to just wanting to have fun and seeing him of who is not of what he is.

It's the reason why he want to catch less attention and be completely inconspicuous when go there, otherwise people will treat him no different to the one's he often experience as the heir of the clan, which why he is running fast that his own retinue are having a hard time finding or catching up with him.

Now one may be asking why exactly is he running away from them? Well the answer is simple, he wanted to go to the northwestern land where the rumored Empire Of Siberia was located hearing many fanciful tales about the enigmatic nation from his family, relatives, friends, travelers and so on.

The way they describe the hermit nation of the north despite allowing people to come and go there, Siberians had been well known to rarely leave there lands only few who either have some political goals, business, and a few other reasons as to why they would leave the confines of their homeland every year.

Though they would return soon after they've met their goal on the more adventurous and curious ones tend to stay longer in foreign nations to satiate their curiosity and interest, most nation after all are lagging behind in technological department most still stuck in the feudal age despite the type of government they have mimics Siberia to a few degress.

Most nation still prefer to be traditional or conservative about the way of life, reluctant or refuse to change too much for fear of destroying their culture and identity that defined them since their nations very founding, thus leading to their slow implementation of reforms on social, economic, agricultural, etc. Alongside their slow advancement in many fields of science and thaumaturgy.

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