Prologue - Fallen Apples.

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In a world in which land was divided, there was a tree, located in a lonely place. On this tree were a family of apples; ripe, yet never picked, for the many generations it stood there. Until finally, One day, Yet not from one's hand, a single apple would shake free from the cluster and fall of its own free will. Given its spherical shape, the apple would inevitably roll from the island, falling into the depths below.

Many knew of this tale, as it was the start of a new beginning, not just for its people, but of a hero who would fall, just as that apple would, and rise as a legend amongst all. Yet to their surprise, the tale would undergo a rather bizarre change.

No one knew when, or possibly why, but after the first fell, there was another apple. While the first initially grew ripe with the cluster, the second had grown the furthest away, on a branch. Just as the very first, the second shook free from the tree and tumbled to the depths.

These apples, represented two, highly important individuals.

"What lies behind. . .Is a story I could never tell."

"But all I could remember. . ."

" Is that there was another way. / . . .There was another way."

After a while, the apples that fell from the highest peak landed in a city far more bizarre than ever imaginable.


Falling. . .Falling. . .

A horrid sensation, not due to what it feels like, but the worry of what falling entails. Unluckily, there was a boy who remembered only the sensation of falling. Did it last a few seconds? For minutes on end?

The only thing he knew was that his memory had taken him no further than this.

". . .?"

The boy's irises raised a blue color upon opening, his gaze rising to the blur. Eventually, this blur waned, and his vision filled with a red, almost spherical shape.

The apple that awoke him from a deep sleep made him mutter, "Wha? How did. . .?" he asked, his vision adjusting to see the apple clearly. While lifting it and himself from the ground, azure blue eyes engaged the surroundings in front of them, afforded only a small field of view granted their current position.

'. . .Why. . .Why can't I remember. . .?!' He thought to himself, causing both his eyes and heart to race. Being in a world that could not be described as familiar or even new, and having not known anything before.

It frightened him. However, he needed to remain calm. By panicking now, he would lose his mental equilibrium.

As he heard a mew in the distance, he saw a cat that stared at him from a flight of stairs leading out of his limited view. Aside from its feline body and ears, it did not appear to have any cat-like features on its frame. However, only a nebula's view, spread across its exterior, could be seen in exchange.

He didn't even need a moment to make a decision. That cat had to be chased. Despite his knowledge, it might be a sign.

Racing up the stairs, He gave chase to the feline creature, entering a door to see a blonde-haired girl standing in front of an elderly man, who was reaching towards her.

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