Chapter One - "Sense of Direction and Home, Sweet Home."

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A.N: Double Publish, LESGOOOO

G-girls. . .Pretty. . .

=====Chapter One, Start!=====

After running away from the police and discovering that nothing lies below them but an abyss, the two found themselves back on the surface of Hekseville, the warm weather gleaming over all citizens. During their climb, the boy in blue had realized something else. . .

He never got her name!

Of course, there was another issue with this. He didn't know his name either, as well as other things. . .This may be the same case for her, as well. But even so, it doesn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, so. . .Do you happen to have a name, by any chance?" He asked, causing her eyes to lower, before shaking her head.

". . .Ah, figures. . .We can't exactly remember much. . .Well, how about a nickname, until we figure it all out?" He suggests, causing her head to tilt, as they walk.

Folding his arms, a cloud appears over his head, showing a chibi version of her, as well as her cat. Cat. . .Cat. . .That's it!

"How about Kat, since you and your little buddy are. . .Ya know."

"I like the name, but. . .I don't know this cat at all." She says, the chibi version having a question mark over her head as she looks at the cat with a glow in its eyes. The cloud inevitably disappears, bringing us back to the two actual versions of both Kat, and her cat.

"What are you, anyway. . .? Were you the one changing gravity?" She asks, the cat purring in response.

". . .Well, you did save our lives back there, so we'd better stick together." Kat sighs, before an idea pops into her head, causing her to emit a smile.

"Ooh! What if we give you a name, huh?" Kat beams, falling onto her knees whilst picking up the cat. The cat begins to mew profusely, symbolizing that it's scared as hell.

"Uh. . .Kat?"

"Ooh, I got it! How about 'Dusty'? Do you like that? Here, Dusty! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!" Kat continues, jolting back once the feline started clawing outwards, a purple vein showing on his forehead as it teleports out of her reach.

". . .Well, if there's one thing I could remember. . .I may not be a fan of cats." He chuckled, as Kat simply scoffs.

"What, you don't like it? It's a great name!" She folds her arms, as the cat hisses at the name.

". . .He'll grow into it." The boy says with a smile, it soon fading after he realizes that he doesn't have a name of his own.

". . .Oh yeah, what about your name? Can't just go by Boy with the Blue hair, ya' know," Kat asks, causing him to fold his arms.

"Well. . .I do have a thing with electricity, and my hair's blue. . ."

"Not to mention your eyes!" Kat adds.

"Ah, right. So . . ."

A dramatic fanfare splits between the two of them, as they both come to one conclusion.

"Raiko! / Bolt!" They say at once before the boy looks towards her with an expression of confusion.

"Wh-What?" He asks.

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