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You and Kris were in your school cafeteria. Not only to eat but to have time for each other and cuddle. Now that both of you finished your meal, you are now cuddling in front of your friends. You keep on smiling while embracing your handsome boyfriend and you have on your mind that you really can't lose him because you really love him too much.

Meanwhile, your friend Cindy were sulking and looking at the both of you in disgust. You furrowed your eyebrows in curiosity.

"What's your problem,Cindy?" She avoided your gaze and muttered.

"Nothing. You're just embarrasing." You now raised your eyebrow and lossen your hug on Kris.

"And why am I embarrasing?" She huffed in annoyance and faced you.

"You and Kris. Both of you keep on doing PDA in front of us. It's embarrasing!" You and Kris both laughed at her words.

"You don't know anything friend, cause you're not yet in love. Try searching your boyfriend so you can experience doing this stuff." You smirked while she stood up feeling annoyed by you teasing her. While your other friends laughed together with you.

Three weeks later...

You are currently walking through the pavement of your street when you see a familiar figure inside the coffee shop. You suddenly felt an urge to get near their table and approach them when you saw the girl touched your boyfriend's hand while squeezing it. You faked you smile and sat netween them making them get shocked by your presence.

"You" Kris said while wearing his eyes wide open.

"Surprised?" You smirked with slightly annoyed expression on your face. You looked down on their hands still connected in front of you. Kris followed your gaze and swiftly took off his hand under the girls.

"So why are you here?" You asked him.

"Uhm.. You, This is Sandra. Sandra this is-" he cut you off.

"His girlfriend." You said while smiling at her to make her annoyed. She looked shocked and cleared her throat then sat up straight from her chair. She smiled at you and stretched out her hand for handshake but you just stared at her hand. Kris found it rude so he called you for warning.

"You." he eyed you to shake her hand but you rolled your hands and smiled fakely again to her.

"Nice to meet you too but I have to go since MY boyfriend is busy." Kris became annoyed by your act and apologized to her and excused himself to go after you. She smiled and patted his shoulder for understanding him.

Kris keep on following you and when he reached for your arm, you yanked it and face him angrily.

"What the is your problem? Do you know who she is?" He yelled at you in anger plastered on his face.

"I don't care who the she is. And the fact that you were both smiling at each other while holding your hands. Do you know how I feel when I see that? It hurts me, Kris!" At this point you felt like crying.

"You know what, You? I'm so tired of this. You're suffocating me. And I can't breathe. It feels like you didn't give me space to do what I want!! I'm sick of it." Then he saw your tears start to fall on your cheek which hurts him.

"You want space?" You wiped your tears and take a breath. "Fine. I'll give you space. And I'm so sorry because I'm so selfish to make you always be mine all the time. And I'm so sorry I did that because I love you so much!" You sobbed the walked away from him.

Kris had been frozen in his spot after what he heard from you. He felt so guilty while watching you crying while walking away from him.

On the next day, you came to school and Your girl friends saw you with your puffy and dark circles around your eyes. Because you've been crying and crying until you fell asleep last night.

Then at the lunch break, you were seated in front of Cindy who you haven't thought that she really did what you've said to her three weeks ago. You got annoyed at the sight of them doing lovey dovey in front of you.

"Tsk! Could you please stop that?!!" You exclaimed in annoyance. They looked at you glaring at them.

"Why? What's the matter? Why don't you do this with Kris too?" You felt a sudden pang in your heart after you heard his name. You didn't answer and just wear your poker face hiding your teary eyes in front of your friends.

"Oh! I know. Did you two fight? He easily got tired of you already? " She teased you but It makes you more hurt after she said the word 'tired' which Kris told you exactly the same.

"M..maybe." They all got shocked as you said that and runaway while crying.

Your other friend Sabrina glared at Cindy.

"Did I told you to not tease her when she's not in the moodm didn't I? Look what you did?" Cindy looked down guilty.

"I'm sorry." While her boyfriend patted her back saying 'it's fine'.

After school, you decided to walk through your favorite hangout place. The Beach, cause it makes you feel relaxed and forget your problems for a while. You keep on thinking on Kris. If he had eaten his meals, did he do his homeworks or even rest well. Because that really makes you smile reminiscing his acts which makes him more handsome.

But after what happened between the both of you, you didn't think you did suffocated him with all of your love.*sigh, am I exaggerating? that's why he's so tired of me?* Another tears started to fall from your eyes.

"I must be tiring to be loved. I really didn't know about that." you sat on the sand and hugged your knees to cry over again.

Suddenly, you felt arms wrapped around your head. You were about to stand up when a familiar voice whispered behind you.

"I'm sorry baby." You can't move and you can't stop your tears from falling. You really missed him so bad so you faced him and hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry too, oppa. I didn't know I suffocated you. I promise I'll never do it again. Just please get tired of me." You said while crying.

"No. I didn't mean to say that to you You it's just that You just being rude to my client. She just offfered her products to my company and I'm just agreed to it. Then you came and did that."

"I'm sorry Oppa. I didn't know. Don't worry I'll apologized to her tomorrow. I promised." He smiled and pecked your forehead.

"Good girl. Now, Let's go and I made dinned for us."

"Really?" You smiled excitedly. He chuckled.

"Yeah.. Let's go baby." You hugged him.

"Thank you oppa." He pulled out from the hug and face you. He cupped your face and give you the sweetest kiss you missed from a long time.




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