Chapter 12 - I'll Leave You Words

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//'I'll leave you words; underneath your door'\\

a/n: play the song at any point <3

A storm is coming- It's all anyone can talk about. Dangerous weather, but exciting weather. With only a month left of school before Christmas break, any new occurrence is a good thing in the minds of the students at Queens. Anne walked down a parade of birch trees, her hair tucked into her thickest coat, bundled up around her chin and ears. She fumbled with her gloved hands to open the envelope, feet slowed subconsciously as she re-read the address. She felt a small reminisce, remembering that thrill she felt when she first read the words 'Ms. Anne S.C' . She sensed slightly,  the spit of bitter rain wavering down- she covered the sensitive ink with the shelter of her body, angled over the letter as she finally began to read.

Dear Anne,

Her breath caught harshly in her throat, realising that she could nearly hear him in each word; the careful, subtle pronunciation of the 'e' tailing her name.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your letter. At first, I was so worried about saying the wrong things that I just avoided saying anything at all. But I can't do that anymore. And now, I can't decide where I should begin. You were always more literate than me, Anne.

Flattery. It brought a competitive look to Anne's face, pursing her lips with that smile she always tried to hide.

I have been so fortunate. Really, I did not think I had any chance of getting into UOT, let alone being able to find a place to stay in Toronto. I am not too sure how much Diana has told you, but I am boarding in this grey-old home, named after the Family that lives there. The Wright House is endless. I swear you could not explore every room if you tried, and the gardens are just as extensive. If you wanted to visit Toronto, there a least 37 rooms you could choose from- maybe the one with big windows, it holds views of the school towers and just beyond is the city.  Really, it's Fred who is inviting you. It's his grandmother's house, and he is especially eager to meet you, and also to see Diana again. It's only an idea of course, I know how focused you are on school.

To stay in Toronto? It was the perfect opportunity, and she'd always wanted to go. But to see Gilbert again would be difficult. But oh, she wanted to.

I'm so happy that your enjoying Queens. I don't doubt you've made a name for yourself there already. I wish I could have warned your classmates at the first day- the braids are off limits. As well as some particular vegetable nicknames- as well intentioned as they may be. And arguably sweet.

This boy! They were only kids. Of course, if they had been older they would both have made a much more measured approach upon meeting. Probably.

Phillipa Gardener seems to be a common thread between Toronto and Queens. I only met her the other night, but she seems like a kind girl, a bit of a socialite. Fred only says good things, I can see why you are both friends. I have been thinking, and although UOT is wonderful and terrifying, by the end of this year I'll hopefully have half my degree. What I'm trying to say is, I want to move to Redmond College. I love it here but I am so far away from home, so far way from Bash and Delphine. You're right, I have travelled. More than I ever expected to. But if I get the qualifications here, I can do my last year in Nova Scotia and be able to visit Avonlea more. I'm in conversation with both heads of the institutions currently. I can't really explain it, but this feels right. But if you could try to keep it quiet, I would thank you. I don't think everybody will be pleased with the decision. 

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