Chapter 17- Repeat Until Death

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                                                              //"Snow, brother ; I'll bet it all gold."\\

Anne's eyes were full of sleep when she stepped off the train, and into the open night

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Anne's eyes were full of sleep when she stepped off the train, and into the open night. Arms, belonging to which of the girls, she did not know, pressed in and locked onto her shoulders, her hands, the crook of her elbow. The pressure encouraged her movement into the further darkness of the train station, boots dragged the scuff of her toes. Feet scattered the platform. As the darkness squeezed in on them, a mass of billowing emptiness rushed beyond their view. Stained, the path was occasionally streaked by the breath of lanterns- the girls corralled between these points like sheep between gates. There was a scattering of carriages, duos of mares kicking at the ground agitatedly. Ruby was ushered to the front of the group, to clamber on and greet her parents driving the carriage. One by one, they all piled in. There were murmurs, but lips shrank away, words dampened by the world crashing down around them. Silent impact- the sky howled in pain. Anne was the last remaining on ground, and hooked her right foot into the wheel for leverage, aware of the glove outstretched above. Just out of reach, almost disembodied from this view.

She let her hold slip.

"I think I'll walk. Green Gables is a long detour anyways- you'll all get back quicker."

"You are kidding right? You'll freeze." Josie's voice, clear when she others were muffled.

  "No." Jane scowled. Anne imagined her brow furrowing deeply.

"I'll be fine."

The next scoff sounded as if it came from an older man. Mr. Gillis she supposed.

"She's crazy-"

"No, she's right. She's fine. And she knows her way." This was clipped, but not demanding.

Soft, her smiling face shivered above her.

 Ruby Gillis.

She turned away.

"Now can we please, please get out of this weather?"

Snow swallowed Anne up- she let it. Let it twist the toes in her boots and crystallise the remaining breaths in her chest. Freezing her from the inside out, fighting to seize her mussels and reduce her to only hallow bones. Ruby let her do it, and for that she wished to thank her ten times over.

Perhaps Ruby just wished to get home quicker, to see her siblings and rush to the fire-side. Probably. Or maybe, she saw why Anne needed to walk home. Something Anne was still trying to figure out herself.

Her footsteps disappearing the moment the damp sole of her boat left its surface, she felt as though if she allowed her entire weight to crash to her knees, the ground would give way and she'd never touch the bottom of the white, white whirlpool. Instead she kept its entirety in her chest, holding onto to it, keeping it high, so she would not fall. Even if her mind dabbled in a space detached from this snow storm, her feet kept their path, pulled along by a wire. So thin, you could barely see the line tying her to home. Just a shiver. And beyond that, a vision of comfort sprawled in perfect stillness across the hillside. The barn gaped, a darkness greater than the sky seen between slats and frames and arches of that spiralled, smudged dark wood. Fencing teased the way, a delicate stencil that rippled with dashes of snowflakes. After, there was nothing but all-absorbing black and the quiet pulse of marigold light, emitted through veiled windows in ginger fingers across the porch.

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