Chapter 4 - Next to you

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// " I wonder if you let your guard down; what would we find?" \\

// " I wonder if you let your guard down; what would we find?" \\

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-don't play the song yet, i'll say when

"The graveyard?" Ruby asked hesitantly.
"The graveyard!" Anne attempted to sound confident.
"With...Diana?" She pleaded, nervous.
"I'm not going to tell you any spooky stories Rubs. And Diana can come to, if she likes." Anne tried to reassure the blond girl, who was currently looking around for Josie and Tilly. The two girls had already made plans to go to town, and Ruby was hoping to tag along. Anne sighed at her less than eager expression.
"If we go now, can we join the other girls later?" Ruby bargained, and Anne was taken aback by her diplomacy.
"Yes, of course." She blinked.
"And Diana comes to, wont you Di?" Ruby pounced enthusiastically on a surprised Diana who had just walked in.
"Sure...?" she replied slowly, quickly as possible trying to assess the situation.
"Wonderful!" squealed Ruby, who had apparently quite taken to the idea of the graveyard now Diana was coming. At Anne's startled expression, Ruby shrugged.
"Your stories really are quite scary Anne. I'll need back up!"

The graveyard was, to Anne, mildly disappointing. She took the lead, Diana and Ruby chatting, unworried, behind her. She scoured the grave stones, not exactly sure what she was looking for. A tragic death perhaps, or a blank space where a name should be engraved ; these were hints of a mysterious tale, she figured.
"He was handsome, don't get me wrong Rubs, but I would not accept an invitation to tea on my first day! I'm not looking for romance, not right now." Diana explained, and Ruby nodded slightly, understanding a little.
"Right. We are here to learn, and become educated young woman." Ruby said firmly to herself, as if trying to convince herself.
"But of course you caught eyes on your first day, that shade of blue is different then normal isn't it? And the style around the sleeves? It compliments your skin tone Di,"
Diana blushed, looking down as she walked, but Anne didn't miss her little pleased smile she wore.
"I suppose so... I mean, I thought so as well. I chose the fabric. It was my mother before, but I thought, with a new school and all, I should make it." She shrugged modestly.
"Well I like it." Ruby smiled genuinely at her friend.
"So do I," Anne agreed.

After a little more wondering, and not much discovering, they sat next to a few apple trees -
most of them now baron with the new cold- their leaves proving suitable cushioning.
< play the song now :) >
Anne bit into one of the last fallen fruits, and its slightly aged-rich flavour reminded her of a memory, one she didn't want to think about.
At least not right now, not here, in broad daylight where everybody could see her.
But she did.

"That one," Anne chuckled, as she pointed into the tangled branches of a low stooping tree.
"This one?" He asked, his voice sounded muffled a little, probably by the leaves.
The light was filtered through the arching canopy, dappling the apple strewn grass in spots of gold. When she looked up, the sun was blinding, then he moved into its path, smiling, and blew a leaf out of his untameable hair. Then, as if presenting a ancient jewel, he held out a ruby red apple, shiny as though it had been polished in the sun. She took it quickly, and bit into it. Tantalising juice flooded every inch of her mouth, that taste.
"Not as good as my tree," she grinned competitively, raising her eyebrows.
Liar, she mentally told her self.
"You're crazy, Shirley." He laughed softly, shaking his head.
"Maybe so," she mumbled, and bit her lip, bending down to pick up her basket.


The apple had fallen from her grasp, her hand slack. Hastily, she retrieved it. After looking at it for a short moment, she bit into it determinedly. Now that she really thought about it, the taste wasn't that similar at all.
< stop song >
"Look, that's the girl I was telling you about, the smart one in my class," Diana spoke quietly, if not slightly reverently. Following Diana's line of sight, Anne and Ruby spotted her immediately. Tall, with raven hair tied in curls around her head, she faced the trio a way off, a large hat obscuring her face. She was shifting uncomfortably on the spot, like she was torn between approaching them and walking away.
"Maybe she's shy? We could go talk to her. Be friendly?" Diana suggested slowly.
So the girls casually walked up to her, and the shy girl suddenly grinned widely at them.
"Hello, I'm Ann-"
"Phillipa," she thrust out a gloved hand.
"Anne, with an E," Anne finished, taking her hand.
"Ruby Gillis."
"Diana Barry." Diana smiled warmly, nodding once.
"We're in the same history class right?" Phillipa asked enthusiastically.
"I believe so, I would of said hello, I just-"
"You were too busy entertaining James Carter. Not that I blame you, he's a looker, that's for sure and certain. He has the eyes. But couldn't answer a simple question for the life of him! Trust me, I was sat near him in English, and a smart girl like you just couldn't marry a boy like him. Oh, but he is handsome. But aren't all boys these days?"
"Marry-!" Diana choked, lost for words.
She wondered how it was that this girl could remind her so much of Anne, yet even she was taken aback!
Mercifully, Ruby was the next to speak.
"I must meet this James Carter." she spoke solemnly.
"Oh! I can't introduce you if you like." Phillipa offered.
"So Phillipa, what are you doing in this graveyard of all places?" Anne hoped she didn't seem too blunt, but she couldn't help her curiosity.
"Oh, you must think me odd, but I only came to visit his grave," she explained, then added quickly, "My fathers grave, that is, he grew up here."
Anne felt a pang of something, pain? Or could it be jealously? She couldn't figure it out. Luckily Diana swooped in.
"I'm sorry for your loss." She spoke comfortingly,
"He died when I was young, so I only have a few memories. I guess I'm lucky I have my Mother to tell me all the stories!"
Anne nodded, "That would be a comfort."
"You girls are so pretty, and kind as well. What a relief to have friends at last!" Phillipa gushed, practically glowing at her own words.


Thoughts on Phillipa?
I've taken her character out of the original books, as well as how she first meets Anne.
New chapter soon, shouldn't be more than a week.  See you then :)
also go check out my halloween themed story, <spookyshirbert> it's a lot of fun!

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