Chapter 17

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Ivey-Rose's POV

I was standing at the end of the corridor, watching out for anyone that was coming, while Soda and Steve got Dally out of the room.  I didn't have anything for light except the dim lights down the end of each hallway.

Being the good girl I am, I was quiet and alert, looking for anyone who was coming.  Now I think about it, this isn't such a good idea, this is technically breaking someone out of jail, we could just defend Dally and make sure he gets out, but now were to far into this plan to stop it.

I was looking down the right hallway, when I saw a shadow run across, my first instinct was to scream, which wasn't a very smart idea.  The next thing I know, Steve and Soda are by my side asking what was wrong.

"There was shadow, going across the hallway, a big shadow." I said, breathing heavily.

"I'll go and check." Steve said, before walking off, down the hallway.  We stood waiting a few moments until we heard Steve laugh.  I was confused, why on earth was he laughing?

"Ivey, you saw a damn mouse."  He said, walking back towrds us.  Soda started to laugh as well.

"That is not funny, I was freaking out, I thought we had been caught." I said, trying not to laugh with them.

"I'm sorry Ivey... but that is really funny what you did." Soda said to me.  I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Shut up." I whined. beginning to laugh.

Once we had sobered up we went back to what we were doing before.  I stood watching down the corridors, but I didn't expect to see anyone now, considering it was nearly midnight. 

I heard a loud bang and the sound of a door swinging open, I turned to see the had gotten the door open.  I smiled and ran over to them.  Dally walked out, looking tired and beaten up. 

"Thank god you guys are here." He said rubbing his eyes. "What happened before? I heard screaming." He asked.

"Oh, Ivey saw a mouse and gave us all a heart attack."  Soda said, laughing.

I stood on his foot, quickly shutting him up.  Dally half smiled at us.

"Lets get out of here then." He said, walking down the hallway.


When we arrived back at the Curtis' we were bombarded by questions from the rest of the gang, the ones coming from Darry, telling us how much trouble we were in for running away like that.  I wasn't in the mood for talking, but no one would let me go to bed.

"Where have you guys been?" Asked Ponyboy once everyone had shut up.

"Out, can I go to bed now? I've just had to walk all the way home."  I said, running my eyes.  Steve, Soda and Dally all laughed.

"Yeah, if you call Soda giving you a piggyback the whole way home, then yeah, you walked miles." Steve laughed.  I glared at him, he eventually shut up.

"What ever I'm going to bed." I said pushing past them all and walking into the bedroom.

I closed the door and got changed into my pajamas and then got into bed.  I could hear the guys laughing and talking in the living room.  I lay there for a long time, thinking about only one thing, how much trouble we were going to be in for doing what we just did.


yeah that was chapter 17, yeah it's short but it didn't need to be long, if it was long it would be extremely boring.  so I give you, chapter 17, the shortest chapter of the book!!! :)

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