Chapter 5

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Ivey-Rose's POV

Soda pushed me behind him protectively as the car stopped and 3 Socs got out. They were all pretty big and tough looking. Why me? Like why not the girl that came into the DX earlier? I'm sure she'd love their company.

"Aww look guys, he's going to try and protect her." Said the guy from earlier, lets just call him douchebag.

The other 2 boys laughed, I wonder if they were drunk.

"What ya gonna do now? It's about to get dark, and no one else is around?" Douchebag said, walking towards us, his little troll minions close behind him.

"What do you guys want? You're in our territory." Soda said through gritted teeth.

"Hmmm let me think... We want you, to give us little Barbie here for the night." He said smirking, stumbling sideways a little bit. Yes, definitely drunk.

"No way in hell, you'd have to go through us first." Steve said, speaking up for the first time.

"Gladly. Prepare to die then." He said smirking.

I didn't know what was going on, but I know I can't let them kill Steve and Soda.

"Why don't you prepare to die? I mean 3 drunk guys against a girl and two guys? The odds are in anyone's favor aren't they?" I said poking my head slightly around Soda's shoulder.

"Check it out boys! We got a smart one here! She knows we've been drinking!" He said with an amused look on his face. His little minions just laughed along obnoxiously.

"Well you don't have to be a genius to figure it out, I can smell you from here." I said blocking my nose, I smirked at the look of shock on their faces. What? Can't a girl be sassy?

Obviously not.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my wrist, I looked down and noticed douchebag had hold of me, and boy did he have a tight grip for a drunk guy.

"Let go of me." I tried pulling my arm out of his grip, but failed miserably.

"She said let go idiot!" Yelled Soda before he punched his face.

Douchebag released his grip on my arm and Soda grabbed my arm and all three of us ran. The other boys tried chasing after us but gave us after a few hundred meters.

When we arrived back at the house we were out of breath. I looked down at my wrist and noticed a bruise forming from where he had grabbed me, it was swelling up pretty quick, how tight can his grip get!?

We opened the door and walked inside after catching our breath for a few seconds. We were greeted by, Darry, Dally, Rosie, and Two-Bit. They all looked over at us, we'll apart from Rosie who was busy playing with one of Dally's dog tags.

"Hey guys, where ya been? What happened to up your wrist Ivey?" Darry said looking over at us.

I looked down at my wrist and noticed it had swelled up more and was becoming a deep shade of purpley-blue.

"Uhh..." I didn't really know what to say.

"Some drunks Socs attempted to jump us, one of them had been harassing her this afternoon, and when they tried to jump us the grabbed her wrist pretty tightly, I had to punch him in the face." Soda said, saving me from my mind blank.

"Stupid Socs, here I'll go get some ice for that, are you two fine?" Darry said standing up from his chair. Soda and Steve both nodded at Darry before he left the room to go and get me some ice.

We sat down on the big sofa, I ended up having to sit on Soda's lap because Dally and Rosie were sitting in the other spot. Darry came back in and handed me a tea towel with some I've in it. I put it in my wrist and snuggled in closer to Soda so I was comfier.

This was weird behavior for me, I never usually let people get this close to me, but for some reason it just felt so right in a weird way. Soda made me feel different, like when we were being jumped before, he made me feel safe, it was nice, weird and different all at the same time. I never knew he'd be that protective over me after knowing me for only a day.

I yawned, beginning to feel tired, I looked over at Rosie, who has fallen asleep in Dally's arms, still holding not the chain around his knew, I have to admit, that was cute.

I slowly stood up, making sure not to kill Soda in the process of doing so, before saying good night to everyone and walking into mine and Soda's bedroom.

Haha that sounded different to how it actually was.

I goth dressed and changed into my pajamas before snuggling down into my covers and falling into a, for some reason, dreamless sleep.


Yeah so this is kind of a filler chapter but there is a bit of Ivey Soda in there.

Yeah so please comment and vote :) I really like when you do :)

Sorry if there is seem mistakes, I'm uploading this at exactly 12:35am so I'm kinda tired :)

Another pic of Ivey on the side :)


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