Chapter 8

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Ivey-Rose's POV

I stood up and took a deep breath before looking at the board. The words were like in my dream, I couldn't read them, they were all jumbled up.

"Miss, I can't, the words and letters are jumbled up." I said.

"What do you mean jumbled up? Words and letters don't 'move'' she said, sounding outraged.

"I said I can't read it, I don't understand." I replied back to her.

"Don't be stupid, this is just a silly little excuse to get out of doing the task, now read." She said, becoming angry.

I looked over at the board.

"A-all d-day l-l-lo-long th-the." I said slowly.

"Miss, can't do it, the words are actually jumbled." I said my voice cracking slightly.

"Nonsense, suck it up and read."

"But Miss, she said she couldn't read it." Two-Bit interrupted.

"Be quiet, now Ivey read."

"I-I can't." I said quietly before I ran out of the classroom and into the hallways.

It's just like my dream.

What is going on?

I sat down against the wall and held my head in my hands. Only one word describes me right now.


I felt someone sit down beside me and pull me into a hug. Two-Bit.

"Two-Bit?" I asked.


"What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you, your just different to others, I'm sure there's other people out there that are the same as you, don't worry." He said rubbing my back.

"Maybe your right, but there is one thing..." I said pulling away from him.


"I'm dropping out if school, even if I did continue I wouldn't graduate." I said.

"Well if you really want to drop out you could, and I know they need more help at the DX, that could keep you busy during the day." He said looking like he was actually thinking.

"Yeah I could."

"Do you want me to take you home? I have to come back because otherwise Ponyboy will think we ditched him." He said standing up, and then oiling me up afterwards.

"Sure, if you want." I said smiling slightly at him.

"Or would you rather go to the DX since no body will be home?" He said looking at me as we walked out of the building.

"That sounds better." I said smiling at him.


The drive to the DX was silent. Two-Bit pulled his car up the front of the DX and we got out. We walked into the little shop thing and saw Soda and Steve behind the counter, looking like they had nothing fun to do, poor guys.

When the bell rang their heads instantly shot towards the door, it was kinda scary how in sync they are.

"Hey guys" I said, smiling at them the best I could.

"Hey Ivey." They both said smiling at me.

"What are you two doing out of school? I can understand you Two-Bit, but what's Ivey doing?" Soda asked looking between us both.

"Uhh, I decided that I wanted to drop out, I'm failing all my subjects and I'd be stuck in school until I was 80 otherwise." I said awkwardly.

"Aww, Ivey, you're smarter than that, I know you are." Soda said.

"No I'm really not, tell them what happened in English." I said to Two-Bit, both boys looked over at him.

"The teacher tried to get her to read in front of the class, but she couldn't, and she just kept saying the words were all jumbled and that she couldn't read it, the teacher didn't believe her and forced her to read." He said, making it short.

"Don't worry Ivey, we believe you, don't we guys?" Both boys replied with a 'yeah'. I smiled up at him.

"Thanks Soda"

"No problem Ivey," he gave me a hug.

"Look, I gotta go to make sure Ponyboy realizes that I didn't ditch him so I guess I'll see you guys later, bye." Two-Bit said, making a quick exit.

"And then there were three." I said, watching Two-Bit drive away.

"Actually there's only 2, I have to finish this car." Steve said smiling before he walked out, leaving Soda and me alone.

"So, I hear you guys need some help here?" I asked.

"Yeah we do, do you know anyone?" Soda asked smiling slightly.

"Matter of fact I do, her names Ivey-Rose, I'm sure shed love to work here." I said smiling back.

"Well then, you're hired." Soda said with a smile, I smiled back.

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

"No problem."

He smiled at me before walking out the back to help Steve. I just love it when he smiles, it makes my tummy go all funny again, like yesterday, what am I saying? We only kissed once.

SODA'S POV (yes that's right, I changed POV for once.)

Yes! Ivey's working here! Finally! I think I'm starting to like her, a lot, it's like when she walks into a room, the whole room just brightens up, well not literally, but in my mind it does.

"Hey Soda! What are you doing just standing there? Are to gonna help or not?!" Steve yelled across the garage, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah" I said walking over to him and the car.

"What were you thinking about? Was it a girl?" He asked with a smirk.



That is chapter 8!!!! Hope you liked it :)

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