He would go to war for his prince

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     While Simon didn't have to deal with being told to court people against his will over breakfast, his morning wasn't exactly the best either.

    "Christmas isn't for another four days mom, do we really need to start cleaning the house this early?"

    The second he heard the Spanish music accompanied by the sounds of pots clashing together and the smell of Fabuloso, he pulled his blanket over his face hoping it would buy him some time in bed.

    It didn't.

    "Sí Simon, we do this every year. I can't believe you still question it."

    She's right. Every year as soon as the holidays near his mom has them all into cleaning overdrive. Not a single spot is left dirty, not even a speck of dust on their coffee table should be visible. It's not like they'll be having Christmas dinner in his room but even that has to be immaculately clean. It's an absolute pain in the ass but he has to admit it's worth it.

    Sara tries to get out of it every time but to no avail. She and Simon get stuck cleaning the house inside out with the occasional singing and dancing, what can they say the songs are catchy. Old but catchy.

    By the time they're done the last thing to do is put up the Christmas tree. One would think that was the first thing they did but after the scandal, no one really paid these types of things any attention.

    Rosh and Ayub helped out later that night and without missing a beat started to tease Simon over his handmade ornament. He must've been 6 or 7 when he made it. It was a small foam ornament with his picture in the middle. If you looked closely you could see the small ketchup stain on the collar of his uniform shirt. He's surprised his mom kept it for all these years, it's just a small arts and crafts project his teacher made him do. He's sure Sara's will come up soon.

    By the time they're done the Christmas tree sits pretty in the corner of their living room. The sudden heartache comes out of nowhere. If things were different it would be Wilhelm who would have decorated the tree with them. But that can't happen and it probably never will, Simon has to come to terms with these things, but there's still something akin to hope that lives inside him. Wilhelm's 'I love you' plays like a broken record at the back of his mind.

    Rosh and Ayub exchange knowing glances before embracing their friend in a hug "Come off it then, what should we have for dinner tonight?" Rosh says.

    That's Simon's cue to push off whatever lingering thoughts of his prince he may have. "I just spent the entire day cleaning guys, let's just order something and call it a day, yeah?" He turns his head to look at his mom waiting to see any disapproval on her face but instead is met with a mother's smile.

    "Couldn't agree more mi amor, how does pizza sound?"

    You don't have to tell them twice. Ayub is reaching for his phone and Rosh is already listing off the toppings she wants. He feels a hand intertwine with him and instantly knows it's Sara. She lays her hand on his shoulder and Simon wonders if his sister can actually read his mind sometimes.

    "Rosh you order pineapple on your pizza, that is the literal definition of a crime." Of course, it would be Ayub judging Rosh.

    "There's nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza Ayub. Le da más sabor a la comida"

     "Not you too Ms.Linda"

    Simon can't help but let out a small laugh. He looks around him and feels grateful to still have them by his side despite everything that's happened. They're not treating him any differently or walking around eggshells when he's around. Sara, his mom, Ayub, and Rosh are there one constant thing in his life. He's just Simon when they're around. He's not the boy in the video who may or may not have been kissing the crown prince. He's just Simon.

    The pizza doesn't get there for another 30 minutes and is gone in less than 15. What can he say, apparently putting up a Christmas tree left them hungrier than he thought. Shortly after Rosh and Ayub head home before it gets too dark. Sara disappears into her room and his mom is somewhere in the house probably talking to a relative back home. This leaves him alone with his own thoughts and for the first time in a while, that's the last thing he wants.

    He grabs his phone and opens Instagram. He doesn't even need to type in anything in the search bar, it's the first name that comes up anyways: Wilhelm. He knows he shouldn't but the logical part of his brain has shut off for the night. What type of heartbroken teenager would he be if he didn't stalk his ex's social media. The last post is of Wilhelm and his first day at Hillerska. Who knew this is how they would end up months later.

    He lays down on his bed staring at his screen for longer than he should. He feels his heart start to twist but can't bring himself to put down his phone. He doesn't hear the knocks on his door or the tears that began to fall from his eyes. It's his mom who gently takes the phone out of his hands before covering him in a hug. He feels like a little kid all over again. He didn't do anything wrong so why is he having to go through this. Why them?

    "Shh it's okay Simon, it'll be okay" his mom whispers. He lets himself cry on her, there's nothing else he can do. She runs his hand through his hair and soothes him long enough for him to be able to talk to her.

    "I miss him, mom, I know I shouldn't but I do. He said he loved me before he left. Who says that and then leaves?" He can tell if that makes him angry or not. Instead, he holds onto his mom tighter and she continues to rub circles on his back.

    "Everything happens for a reason, Simon. I know it doesn't look like it right now but I'm sure you will both be okay. You're one of the strongest people I know and I'm sure he is as well. We'll get through this together mijo" Her reassuring words can only do so much for him.

    He wanted to say it back. That day in front of the school, he wanted to tell Wilhelm he loved him too, but couldn't bring himself to say it back. It would only hurt Wille more and that's the last thing he wanted. But still, what about him? He might not be the crown prince but he's still a boy with feelings and emotions just like anyone else. Anyone else would think he was stupid for breaking up with Wilhelm. How often does a person get to date a prince? But he never saw Wilhelm like that. He was someone he fell in love with. Someone he wanted to share the holidays with, post pictures together, walk hand-in-hand anytime they went outside, but he knew none of that would be possible. He would've become a secret. Someone who didn't exist as Wilhelm's lover. And frankly, that was the last thing he wanted to be: someone's secret.

    He keeps telling himself over and over again that it was for the best, but can't convince himself. He has his family and friends comforting him and supporting him through this. Rosh was even about to fight this girl who kept staging at Simon and talking behind his back. But who does Wilhelm have? Who will fight for him? The thought of him going through all of this by himself without anyone there to hold him is enough to break Simon.

    He would go to war for his prince. He'd fight tooth and nail for him, but he can't do that when Wilhelm himself still needs to figure out what it is that he wants. Until then, Simon will continue to live on as he did before Wille. He lets himself be held by his mom until sleep finally starts to set in. That night he dreams of gold and a football field.

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