Solid 20

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    Simon finds it a little crazy just how well he clicked with Jan. What's even crazier is how well she got along with Rosh and Ayub. So well that she's now sitting next to him cheering Rosh on for her game tonight. He can't help but always be reminded of him once he sets eyes on the field.

    "You're so beautiful"

    He hates how he remembers that so vividly. He hates the hope that grew a light inside him. But he doesn't hate him. No matter how many times Wilhelm broke his heart, no matter how many pictures he sees of his arm linked with a certain girl, he could never hate him.

    He is snapped out of his thoughts by a voice next to him, "Damn is watching Rosh play getting you that sad?" Jan asks. It takes him a couple of seconds to register what she means but before he can answer she cuts him off, "You like a puppy who just got kicked Si" Concern is written all over his face and he feels a pang of guilt for ruining the atmosphere with his own useless thoughts.

    "I was just reminded of something. That's all" He tries to give her the most reassuring smile he possibly could but she didn't buy it. That's something both amazing and annoying of her; no matter how hard he would try to lie or hide his own feelings, she had this crazy talent of seeing behind his facade.

    She raises an eyebrow before questioning him, putting a pause on her cheering, "Something huh?"

    "Mhmm" he hums. His words would give him away entirely.

    "Does this "something", have blonde hair and occupy your thoughts 24/7"

    "Maybe," he says. She won anyway.

    She wraps her arms around herself and looks at him with something similar to pity maybe? He doesn't blame her, it's about time that he focuses on other things. "Okay be honest Simon, on a scale of one to ten just how terrified of seeing him again"

    On a scale of one to ten? He's a solid 20. The idea of standing in front of Wille again both terrifies him and soothes him- it's an odd combination, but a combination nonetheless. He doesn't say this, rather he laughs nervously before trying to defend himself, "Ha. Who said I was scared of him? He's just another guy I'm going to see at school, just because he's a prince doesn't mean I'll treat him any differently." He has to admit that sounded ridiculous even to him.

    "He's not just 'another guy Si, He's that guy" she adds the heavy emphasis towards the end. He knows exactly what she means. The words don't need to be said out loud for it to be understood.

    He's still in love with Wilhelm no matter how much he tries to deny it.


    He knows he's in love with Wille and there's no coming back from that. There's no re-do button and even if there was he would still choose the path that would lead to his lover again and again.

    His thoughts are drowned out by the loud cheering around him. He looks up and sees a big smile across Rosh's face and soon enough he joins the rest of the crowd. He can be sad over this another time he figures, right now he wants to be here for his friend.

    He stands between Ayub and Jan and throws his hand around them to celebrate the end of the game. He feels Jan ruffling his hair before saying, "Todo va a estar bien Si (Everything is going to be okay Si)" He really hopes so. 

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