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     "I'm going to be sick," Wilhelm says as he rushes towards his bathroom. He notices Malin is already holding the door open for him but is in too much of a hurry to thank her. He splashes water on his face in an attempt to cool down while Malin types away on her phone and scoffs at his reaction. "You big baby weren't you over the moon just a few hours ago"

     That's the problem, he was practically gleaming with joy this morning, even breakfast with his family was bearable. He woke up feeling the same excitement a kid would feel on a Christmas morning and now he's stuck with this heavy feeling in his gut that he can't quite shake off. In

     He turns off the water before facing her, "I was or I am, I'm just scared or nervous, I can't tell" he says. He's going to see Simon, his Simon, in less than 48 hours, and he has no idea what to do. In another world, he would kiss him senseless but in reality, he doubts any kisses will be involved.

    She looks up from her phone and tries to reason with him, "okay prince charming, I can see why this is making you nervous but remember he's still the Simon you know. A few weeks is not going to change that I promise you. You know him more than I do kiddo, I'm sure he'll at least hear you out"

     "What if he doesn't" He has to mentally prepare himself for the worst possible scenario because that's how his life works. Rarely anything ever works out in his favor.

     "What if he does"

     "You're too optimistic Malin"

     "Maybe, but I've seen the way he's always looked at you. A few weeks is not enough time to take away all that love his eyes hold when he's looking at you" Hearing this from Malin makes his heart hurt because he can't imagine what he's put Simon through. "If I were you I'd start panicking over how you'll introduce your other sweetheart"

     With a deadpan look, he tries to match her sarcasm "Very funny Malin"

     "I try," she says. He sees her shrug as if he wasn't having an entire dilemma ahead of him.

      "C'mon you still have things to do here before you leave, I'll wait outside for you."

     Maybe he's overreacting, and things won't turn out to be an entire disaster. He follows Malin out the door but that unnerving feeling sticks with him.

     The rest of the day is more like a blur to him and by the end of the night, he's more than ready to go to sleep. He knows he should probably get rid of this unhealthy habit but he reaches for his phone and opens his social media, going straight to the only profile he really cares about. What's supposed to give him peace of mind does the exact opposite. A new picture of Simon with Rosh and Ayub presumably from one of her games judging from her uniform but there's an unfamiliar girl next to Simon. A little too close for his liking.

     Something immediately starts to form within him and it's far from pretty. Jealousy? He knows he's in no position to be jealous but that does nothing to ease the feeling. The possibility that she could be a new friend does nothing to ease this new sensation. He remembers Malin's words from earlier in the day: "A few weeks is not going to change that I promise you" He finds a bit of solace in that but it's not enough.

     Who is she, Simon?

     The alarm went off signaling the start of the new day. He doesn't remember falling asleep and judging by the number of times he hit snooze, it's not like he got that much sleep either - a certain pink hair stranger occupied his mind for most of the night. He realizes that feeling of jealousy did not disappear overnight, but he pushes it to the side for the time being. He conjures up the will to get out of bed and starts to get ready for the day ahead of him.

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