So perfect and beautiful

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     Winter break went by a little too quickly for Simon's liking. He turned around and shut off the blaring alarm sitting on his bedside table,

     The blaring alarm sitting on Simon's bedside table rang for a good 10 extra seconds before he turned around and put it out of its misery. Winter break went by a little too quickly for his liking. Just when things were getting to a "manageable" point regarding his feelings for Wilhelm, he now had to go back and see him every day. It's like he couldn't catch an actual break any time soon. If he was being completely honest with himself, he has no idea how to feel about seeing Wilhelm again. He can think about the boy and say his name without crying so that's some progress, he figures he can handle seeing the prince himself.

     He walks over to the restroom to get ready and is greeted with his reflection: a bad case of bed hair. Unruly curls going in every direction make him look insane. He doesn't hear his mom yelling at them to hurry up so he takes that as there being enough time to take a shower and fix his hair situation.

     As soon as the warm water hits his back, he is fully awake and running through a thousand different scenarios all related to his prince. He said he loved him, broke his heart and is now courting a girl - how does one even follow up with that?

     "I love you too, you idiot." Is that what I say?

     That useless thought is interrupted by a rapid knocking at the door that he knows can only come from Sara. "Hurry up! We're going to be late!"

     He rolls his eyes knowing she's obviously exaggerating; unless it's his mom telling him to hurry up he still has time. But even so, he finishes up and gets changed into his uniform before making his way to the kitchen where he greets his mom.

     "Buenos dias ma" (good morning mom) He stops to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

     "Buenos Dias Simon (good morning, Simon) breakfast is on the table. Make sure you eat before you go" she smiles at him. He wasn't really in the mood to eat, but he couldn't say no to his mom. He eats as much as he can stomach and stands up making his way towards the door but he gets one the looks from his mom and realizes he has to put the dishes back in the sink. He'll never hear the end of it, and with that, he's ready to follow Sara out the door.

     He genuinely had no idea how to feel about going back. He considered transferring schools earlier in the year, but he stuck it out and made it back, but he knows this time will be different. It'll no longer be just Simon, it's Wilhelm and that beautiful girl at his side. It's like he can already feel the stares of pity or disgust; he doesn't have the title of 'prince' to protect him from all of that. He won't hide who he is, that just means letting them win, but seeing Wilhelm again, that's an entirely different story. He did enough crying to tire him out, and his hearts' strung out enough he can't imagine anything else could get to him like that anymore. He doesn't feel nervous or scared, but there's something that isn't sitting well with him - something he can't put a name on.

     One moment he's walking out the door and the next he's making his way towards the gates of the school. He doesn't register how he got from one place to the other. A recurring pattern that happens when his thoughts are occupied by Wilhelm. Simon finds it a bit pathetic just how fast he can lose track of time by simply thinking of him.

     "You have that look on your face again Simon." Sara says. Whenever he's going down the rabbit hole of useless and painful thoughts Sara says he gets a certain 'look'. He's never understood that, but he knows better than to argue with her about it.

     "I'll be okay Sara" He really will be. With or without Wilhelm, Simon knows that he'll be okay. He was fine before he met the prince and he'll be fine afterward.

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