I'm Still Yours excerpt

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Hiii hiii so like you all know I do read through these comments (luv them) and I do feel bad for throwing pure angst out here for you guys. (Personally it's my least favorite but I feel like it's necessary to really bring the story together.) So I want to share with y'all a small excerpt from a chapter I already wrote


     "I'm still yours" Wielhlm says with one last sigh

     "You're still mine"

     The words come out of Simon before he can register what he just said.

     Wilhelms looks up at him. He's clearly holding back his own tears, he takes one more step towards Simon. They're so close they can hear each other's breathing before he closes the space between them and places a small kiss on Simon's lips.

     For the first time since the night started, he feels like he can finally breathe. He feels like himself and not some prince who has to be courting girls he has no interest in.

     They lean on each other until their foreheads touch and share a smile. Everything feels intimate at the moment. Another moment stolen from time.

     Wilhelm runs his hands through Simon's hair reveling in the feeling of soft curls against his fingertips. He feels like he can get drunk on what he's feeling in this single moment.

     He closes his eyes and hums at the feeling of Simon's hands caressing his hair before he feels a tug at the bottom of his hair. He opens his eyes and looks at Simon giving him that signature smile of his. 

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