How You Meet For The First Time

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- You are Katniss' best friend and basically foster sister and go hunting with her

- Katniss and you meet Gale inside the forest one day

- You two immediately come along

- You are the connection between Katniss and Gale at first

- From that day on you are a hunting trio and help each other out


- You go to school together

- It is the first day of the new school year and you are in eighth grade

- Girls are gathered around him as he is handsome

- You want to get to your seat, but the girls block your way

- You politely ask them to let you through, but they do not pay attention to you

- You try pushing your way through them, to no avail

- "Hey! Watch where you are going!", one girl snaps at you

- You say that you just want to get to your seat, but the girl is mad and pushes you

- You end up on the floor and sigh

- Finnick reaches his hand out to you to help you up

- You take it with a smile and thank him, before getting to your seat, the other girls glaring at you


- You are reaped for the 52nd Hunger Games

- He is your mentor

- He snaps at you when you ask him for advice on the Hunger Games

- You are irritated and annoy him until he helps you


- You buy one of Peeta's cakes for the mayor as you are kind of his assistant

- You cannot decide which one to buy as you admire the different decorations

- Peeta notices your enthusiasm and is eager to advice you

- He smiles at you the whole time, happy and proud that you like his cakes


- You are the younger sister of Gale, one year younger than him

- You and Katniss are best friends and you 'secretly' ship her with your brother

- You meet during Johanna's victory tour, but you are just one of many inside the crowd

- The first time you really meet is during the 73rd Hunger Games as a mentor as you have won the previous games

- She tries intimidating you by trapping you against the wall with a grin

- You blush at your closeness, but do not dare to move

- The fact that you stare back at her impresses her and she starts hanging around you more


- You are Rue's older sister

- You meet during Katniss' victory tour, though you do not talk directly

- She apologizes for not having been able to help Rue, when your eyes meet

- Time seems to stop for a moment, before everything escalates and the next riot erupts

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