Chapter 10: Heartbroken!

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The wedding day was in two days. Two days were left till I return to New York and two days were left for Ken to marry Britney. I had been going out on a few days with Mark. He was very charming but we hadn’t gone far from a peck on the lips. His kisses were not as addictive as those of Ken. Ken you ask? Well we haven’t really spoken since then and to tell you the truth I missed him. I really missed him. I told myself it was for the best but this Morning my aunt had to ruin it all. She wanted me to go give Ken his wedding suit at his place. And here I was outside his penthouse hesitating to knock. The door opened and Ken’s maid greeted me. What was her name? Maria? Margaret? Oh yes it was Margaret! “Hi Margaret, how are you doing?” I asked her. “Oh dear, nice to see you again sorry I’ve got a family emergency I have to go. Sir is here, you can meet him. I have to go bye.” She said and rushed to the elevator. That was weird! I hope everything is fine for her. I walked in the penthouse forgetting to close the door. This place brought me memories, how Ken and I had lunch and after that we sat on the couch drinking champagne and talking. How he taught me to dance, I would give anything to be able to be in his arms again. I wished I had cherished those moments when I had the chance to.

Then a door caught my attention, I didn’t know why but I wanted to see what was inside. My curiosity certainly! I put the suit I brought for ken on the table in the living room and opened the door. It was his office it had white walls and large windows. A large table with a computer sitting on it was in the middle. There were a few documents next to his computer but they weren’t in a mess. It was a simple room but perfect to work in.

“Are you planning to steal my documents or what?” I heard a voice behind me. You guessed right, it was him. He had on a white t-shirt and sweat pants but he looked gorgeous as always! His pale brown eyes looked at me from head to toe as if undressing me. A blushed made its way to my cheeks “No...Sorry I came to give you the suit. I was about to leave.” I said shyly and walked pass him when he grabbed my wrist pulling me back. “I have to talk to you.” He said and began taking steps towards me and I backed away until my back touched the table. “What?” I said and he was already towering over me. He grabbed me by the waist and I gasped. He put me on the table and stood between my legs. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked his brown eyes bored into mine. “What did I not tell you?”  I asked uncomfortable by our position. “You didn’t tell me it was you who I kissed years ago.” I swallowed my saliva. “It doesn’t matter now it was a long time ago.” I said taking my eyes away from him. “It doesn’t matter??” he practically yelled at me making me flinch. “It matters to me. I fell in love with you that day Miya and I still am. I never could forget you I never could forget the softness of your lips.” He paused and grabbed my face. “I knew you had something familiar about you. I knew it from the moment I saw you.” He said and released my face looking away from me. “But you had to go and screw my brother.” That made me react, what did he mean? “What are you saying? I’m not screwing your brother!” I said tears beginning to form in my eyes. “You think I’m a fool? You think I haven’t seen the way he looks at you? It’s as if he was devouring you! You are just a bitch! Your aunt didn’t give you anything so you want to trap my brother and then run away with his money! You are a slut-“He was interrupted by a piercing sound. I was devastated, is that what he thought of me, that I was a gold digger? He rushed outside to see what the sound was about. “The vase is broken and the door is closed. I don’t think someone came here, maybe it was the wind.” The door is closed? I was pretty sure I didn’t close it when I walked in. The wind seriously...I don’t think so! Was there someone here? Did someone hear us? Oh no! That wasn’t good but who would come here? I just hope it was a maid but I didn’t have time to share my suspicions with Ken, I was too heartbroken. I didn’t even realized when tears began rolling down my cheeks. “I-I have to go.” I said looking down and walked pass him as fast as I could.

I broke down in tears when I reached my car. His words were repeating in my head, it hurts so much. The worst thing was that I had fallen in love with someone that would never be mine. I had to get out of here, as soon as the wedding is over, I’ll fly back to New York and forget all about Ken...I had to.

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