Chapter 4: Wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses

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One week has passed since the incident in my room. I tried my best to keep away from him. I barely even addressed him a word. This wasn’t the kind of behavior I wanted between me and Britney’s fiancé but I didn’t have the choice. This man attracted me a lot and I couldn’t betray my cousin.

The preparations for the wedding were on going and I did my best to help. Today we are going to buy Britney’s wedding dress, I was so exited!

Three hours have passed but she hasn’t decided yet which dress she wanted. I was beginning to get irritated. All the dresses were splendid, she just had to choose one, what was the big deal? “I made my choice” She said excitedly. Finally! We could finally get out of here! “Yes!” I was beginning to get up when my aunt addressed me “Where are you going Miya? Now you have to try on bridesmaid dresses.” Britney’s 3 friends who are also the other bridesmaid squealed in excitement. “What now? But it’s already late.”
“No dear. We have to finalize all the dresses now itself. There is so much to do we won’t have time later.” My aunt said and called the sales girl.

After trying three dresses which I didn’t appreciate much this one looked beautiful. It was a knee length dark red dress which had a V-neck. My black curly hair was down and my brown eyes were sparkling. I kind of looked pretty. “Kenneth what a surprise darling.” I heard my aunt say behind me. I turned around and there he was standing, handsome as ever. He wore a pale blue shirt and black jeans, it was simple but damn did he look good in it! He was staring at me his eyes darkening. Suddenly everything disappeared there was only me and him looking at each other. It was as if we were in a dream, only he and me. “Can someone help me please.” We heard Clara, Britney’s friend screaming from the changing rooms. I was sure she had a problem with putting the dress on as she was...I could say not that thin if you see what I mean. Everyone rushed to help her leaving me here with Ken. He walked towards me elegantly as he usually did “Hi Miya.” He said with his eyes on me as if he was undressing me. “Hi” I said blushing. No one has ever looked at me the way he did. “You have been avoiding me these days. May I know the reason?” he asked standing close to me. I could smell is perfume. good! “Not at all, I was not avoiding you. I was just busy.” “Yes you were.” Not giving me the chance to answer, he smashed his lips on mine. His lips were so soft, so delicious. I couldn’t resist anymore I gave in and kissed him back. Something about this kiss was familiar. It was as if I had kissed him before but this was impossible because the only boy I kissed in my life was a boy I met when I was twelve. Yeah I lost my first kiss to some stranger. It happened in the park, I was falling and he caught me. It was love at first sight. We couldn’t resist, he bend down and kissed me softly. I could never forget this kiss or this boy. I never met him after that. I didn’t even know his name. Could he be him?

He let me go when we heard footsteps approaching. “Ken darling, what do you think of the bridesmaid dress? It looks good, isn’t it?” Britney said hugging her fiancé. This made my heart drop. Why was I acting like that? “Beautiful!” He said looking at me and I was sure he wasn’t referring to the dress. I couldn’t help myself from blushing.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. No matter how much I reminded myself that he was my future brother-in-law I couldn’t hide my feelings for him. And the idea that he was my first love was haunting me. I wasn’t sure about it but I would find out.

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