Chapter 6: A Day with my cousin's fiancé

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“Please cuz, you can’t do this much for your favorite cousin.” Britney said giving me baby eyes. She has been begging me for half an hour to go with ken to the florist to choose flowers for the wedding decoration in her place as she had to go with her mother to finalize the dishes that would be served on the wedding day. I didn’t want to go with Ken I wanted to avoid him as much as I could but Britney was so persistent. “Come one Miya, you are the only one who knows my taste and you are the only one who I trust.” She begged once more. OK I give up! “Okay okay I’ll go.” She began jumping up and down. “Go prepare yourself he’ll be here to pick you up in half an hour.” She said and left my room.

Thirty minutes later I was ready. I wore skinny jeans and a loose green top with a V-neck and black sneakers. I brought my hair up into a ponytail and applied some mascara and lip gloss on. It will have to do! I heard the doorbell and knew he was here. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. Britney had already opened the door “Here she is. Take good care of my cousin Ken.” She said to Ken. He was wearing a white shirt with jeans and black vans shoes. He looked so good! “Yeah I will don’t worry.” Britney pecked his lips and said goodbye. This gesture made me feel like a knife was cutting into my flesh. Why was I upset? They were engaged, it was normal for them! I had no right to feel bad it’s not as if he was mine. But deep inside I wished he was but I wasn’t ready to accept it yet.

I followed him to his car and he opened the door for me. I sat in the passenger seat watching him as he sat in the driver seat and drove off. We drove in silence and it was awkward. Finally he spoke breaking the silence “So Britney told you what kind of flowers she wanted because I know nothing about these things.” “She didn’t tell me what exactly she wanted but she said she trusted my choice.” I replied. “We’re here.” He said as he parked the car at the corner. We got out and walked into the shop. We were looking at all the flowers for a while now and had no idea what to choose. “I have no idea what she really wants.” I said frustrated. “Well, if it was your marriage what kind of flowers would you want?” I was taken aback by this question...My marriage?  I had never really thought about it. “Well if it was my marriage, I would have chosen roses, all kinds of roses, red, rose, yellow, white, orange...all kinds.” I said dreaming about my marriage. Wait what? I hadn’t even had a partner and I was already dreaming about marriage. I was so pathetic sometimes. “Then take it, I think roses are a good choice. I like it.” He likes it! I smiled with satisfaction. Satisfaction for what you ask? I didn’t know myself! We ordered the roses and gave them the address and date for the delivery.

“Will you have lunch with me at my place?” He asked suddenly when we sat in the car. I wasn’t sure what to answer. Is this a date? No foolish girl of course not! He is your brother-in-law don’t forget! “Eum yeah!” I agreed to his demand as I was starving and a small part of me wanted to spend time with him...well a big part!


I walked in his penthouse It was splendid! The walls were white and his décor was fabulous with all kind of paintings on the walls. “Oh sir here you are.” An old lady came rushing to us and stopped upon seeing me. “I didn’t know we had a visit today. Never mind I’ve made enough food for all.” She said smiling from ear to ear. “Margaret this is Miya Britney’s cousin and Miya this is Margaret, my house keeper.” Ken introduced us. “Oh hello dear, you are a very pretty lady miss.” She said hugging me. “Thank you ma’am.” I said smiling back at her. “Oh call me Margaret dear. Come I’ll serve you lunch.” She said returning to the kitchen. Ken put his hand at the small of my back directing me to the dining room. This small touch from him sent a shiver down my spine. Why did he have such an effect on me?

After Lunch I sat on his large white couch and he sat beside me offering me champagne. “Well tell me about yourself.” He said taking a sip of his drink. “What do you want to know?” I replied. I didn’t talk about myself often then it would be easier for me if he asked me questions instead. “I’ve been wondering for a while why you didn’t seem comfortable with your aunt.” I somehow expected him to ask this. “Well I don’t know if I should tell you, she’s your mother-in-law after all.” He laughed at that! Oh his laugh was so sweet! I could listen to it all day. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anything Promise.” I smiled at him and relaxed in my seat, “Well my parents died in a car accident when I was six and after that my uncle adopted me. My aunt didn’t like this idea and she never accepted me. She was always cold with me and I don’t know why. I’m used to it now.” I said with a sad smile. “This woman is confusing. I don’t like her also.” It was my time to laugh. He stared at me with eyes burning with...what was this? I couldn’t see what it was but it made me smile wider. “Tell me about yourself now.” “What do you want to know?” I decided to ask him the question which Britney was so uncomfortable to answer.”How is your relationship with Britney?” his face dropped at my question. He had the same expression as Britney when I first asked her. “Do I have to answer this?” yes I wanted to know his version.”Yes.” He looked at me and we both placed our empty glass on the table. “Our relationship is fine. I met her a few months ago. We dated and then I proposed to her there’s nothing more.” “Do you love her?” I asked. He didn’t say he fell in love with her. A part of me was a bit jealous. “Do you know how to dance?” He said avoiding my question. Why did he change the subject? Didn’t he love her? “No why?” I decided to not persist. “How are you going to dance at the wedding?” “I’m not planning to.” “Come I’ll teach you.” He said standing up and extending his hand. I placed my hand in his uncertainly and he pulled me up. He placed his hand on my waist and his other hand in mine pulling me closer and he began to move. It felt so right to be in his arms. I never wanted him to let me go. We moved together for a while and we were staring in each other’s eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing I could drown in them. Slowly our lips were coming closer. They were about to touch when I realized what I was doing. Britney was like my sister, I couldn’t betray her, No way! I pushed away from him. He looked disappointed “It’s getting late. I’ve to go.” He stared at me for a moment and I looked down. “Come I’ll drop you.”

The drive home was in silence, not an awkward one but a comfortable one. He pulled outside Britney’s mansion and turned to me. “Take care Miya.” With that he surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and got out of the car. I entered the house but not before giving Ken a warm smile...

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