Chapter 7: Mark's confession...

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A few days passed since the incident at Ken’s apartment. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, the way he looked at me, the way he talked, the way he moved, the way he danced and most importantly the way he made me have electric shocks with only one touch. I just couldn’t get him off my mind. I know it was wrong thinking this way about my brother-in-law to be but it felt so right. I don’t know why I had such feelings but I just hope they’ll go away fast. The wedding was approaching and I had a bad feeling about it. In a few days, Ken would be married to Britney and I’ll have to return to New York. Why was I upset about this?

“Miyaaaa, what are you doing? Come fast we are leaving.” I heard Britney calling me from downstairs. We were going to spend two days in a villa on a small island with Ken’s family which was owned by them. We wanted to relax as we have been under a lot of stress due to the preparations.

We took a yacht to the island. It was big, it was just a plot of land over the sea with a villa built on it but it was a very peaceful place. When we arrived, Ken’s parents and Mark were there to welcome us. I saw his parents once but never really met them. After greeting Ken, Britney and my aunt they turned to me. Ken’s mom was a fifty year old woman with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. She looked very young for her age and she had a very warm smile on her face. “Oh you must be Miya. I’ve heard a lot about you from Mark.” She said pulling me into a hug. “Mom!” Mark said looking at his mom angrily. “What son? I only told the truth.” She said teasing her son. She seemed very friendly, I liked her. “Nice to meet you ma’am, what did he tell you? I hope it was good things.” I said amused. “Call me Bella, very good things indeed dear.” She said with a warm smile. I turned to Ken’s father. He was a much told handsome man. He had dark hair and brown eyes and a small beard. He looked like the older version of Ken. “Nice to meet you Miya, I have also heard a lot about you from my son.” He said with a laugh with caused Mark to become red with embarrassment. I was curious to know what he told them about me but however Ken’s face was unreadable.

Bella showed us to our room. My room had a balcony which had a view on the beach. It was so peaceful here. I walked onto the balcony and let the wind blow against my hair. “You look beautiful.” I heard a voice said behind me. I turned around and was disappointed not to see the one I expected. “Mark! Eum thank you.” I gave him a smile. He walked towards me and stood beside me looking at the sea with the wind blowing his hair. He was very handsome any girl would kill to be able to have a chance with him. But for me, no one could beat Ken. “I like you Miya.” He said stunning me. I looked at him and he was staring into my eyes. He just said he liked me, what I’m I supposed to answer? Do I like him? He was hot and sweet. I enjoy talking to him but he didn’t make me feel butterflies in my belly, he didn’t make me feel like he did. He was just a good friend. “I-I-I” I stuttered not knowing how to answer him. He put a finger on my lips preventing me from talking “It’s okay take your time, you don’t have to answer me right now. Think about it.” And he left my room. What was happening to me? I had this hot guy saying he like me and I was just thinking about Ken! Mark would keep me happy, I know he would but I just couldn’t keep my mind off Ken! I was so confused!

The rest of the day passed by rapidly, we made a tour around the island and played several games on the beach. Mark acted normal with me. He talked and laughed as if nothing happened. I was happy he acted like that! I didn’t want to lose him, he was a good friend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, I felt very comfortable with him.

The sun went down and we were all exhausted. After dinner, I’m going to throw myself on my bed and never wake up! I don’t remember the last time I was so exhausted! I sat at the table and Ken sat beside me. Why wasn’t he sitting beside his fiancée? “What were you doing with Mark?” he suddenly whispered to me when everyone was busy talking and eating. “What?” I whispered back. “I saw him enter your room this morning.”
“We were talking.” I replied blankly. What was his problem?
“Just talking?” he asked. “Yeah we were just talking.” I said feeling irritated. “What did he say?”
“That’s none of your business.” I replied.
“Yeah it’s my business.”
“No, it’s personal between Mark and me.” I said blankly. What was his problem? Why was he so desperate to know?! Bella called me asking me a question preventing this conversation with Ken from continuing.

After dinner I rushed to my room avoiding Ken and his questions not wanting to tire myself more. Why was he acting like that? Could he be jealous? Nah I don’t think so. Why would he anyway? I jumped in my bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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