Chapter 12: Going back to New York

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Hey Guys :D...well this is the last chapter, but the epilogue is coming next ;)

Happy ending or not? Read to find out ;) xoxo

It's been one week since the wedding broke. I didn't return to New York immediately as Britney needed my support. My aunt was still furious as Britney didn't obey her, so she decided to come with me to New York. She will try to find a job there and stay as she didn't want to live with her mother.

And for Ken and me? Well, I haven't heard from him since the wedding, not a call nothing but still I was here thinking about him like crazy. I missed him so much but if he wanted to talk to me he would have called. Maybe he still thinks I was after money and with the scandal at the wedding, I doubt he changed his mind. Maybe he thought I was involved in the plan with Britney and My aunt but I didn't want to call to justify myself. If I meant something for him he would have trust me, I don't have to justify myself for something I didn't do. I haven't heard from Mark also.

Anyway today Britney and I we are going to fly to New York and forget all about that incident. I don't know if I will be able to forget ken, the first love is almost impossible to forget but I've to try. Finally Ken and I we weren't made to be with each other. The little hope I had had vanished.

"Hey, have you finished packing?" Britney said as she sat on my bed. "I'm nearly finished."
"You are thinking about him, aren't you?" her question caught me off guard. "What is making you think that?"
"Maybe the way you're biting your lips and the way you seem deep in through with an expression in your eyes as if you are about to break in tears." I didn't know I was so obvious. "Let's not talk about it." She looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry Miya. It's my entire fault. If only you told me he was your first love, I would have ended this earlier. Because of me you lost him." She said apologizing for the 100th time this week. "Please stop apologizing and stop talking about him it's making me feel worst."
"Okay I stop. Finish packing and meet me downstairs." She said leaving me once again alone in my room.

"Miya please wait, I really have to go pee." We were outside the airport since a long time and we couldn't go in because of Britney. It was the fourth excuse and I was beginning to get irritated. First she was hungry and went to buy food, and then she pretended seeing a friend in the crowd and ran to find him...why was she acting like that? "Britney you are beginning to get on my nerves, what's your problem?" I said irritated. "Come on Miya, I just need to pee. Please wait up five minutes." "Fine."

Fifteen minutes later she wasn't back yet and I had to go fetch her myself only to find her admiring herself in the mirror. "Miya-" she began but I cut her off "Shut up Britney, we are going in." I said dragging her inside. "Please wait up." "No!" I almost yelled at her.

"Miya!" I stopped dead in my track. That voice! That warm familiar masculine voice I've been dying to hear. It couldn't be! What would he be doing here? I let go of Britney and turned around. There he was, a few meters away from me with Mark at his side. That handsome face I've been dying to see. Those beautiful brown eyes were staring right at me. I could tell he had come directly from work from the elegant dark blue suit he was wearing. "Miya..." he said once again making me feel butterflies in my belly. "What are you doing here?" he approached me and did the unexpected. He kneeled down before me! I was excited for what was coming next. "Miya, I know I have been rude to you. I have accused you wrongly and I hurt you a lot. I didn't mean to say those hurtful words to you. I was frustrated and jealous of you and Mark. I beg you to forgive me Miya. I love you Miya, I've loved you from the first time I saw you years ago and I've never stopped loving you. You haunted my dreams every night for years. I won't be able to live without you Miya." He paused and digs in his pockets. People had gathered around us and were staring but I didn't care. All that mattered at that moment was Ken. He had a velvet box in his hands and he opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "Please forgive me for hurting you and marry me please. I need you Miya, please marry me." Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't believe it! A few hours ago, I was certain I had lost him forever but now here he was asking me to marry him. Everyone was listening waiting for my answer. "Yes. I love you too." I said and threw myself in his arms kissing him. Everyone cheered around us.

At the corner of my eyes I saw Mark and Britney giving each other looks. That's when I understood! It was all her plan that's why she was making all those excuses. I had to thank her later but for now I was enjoying being in my love's arms. My wish has finally come true, I finally got him. I couldn't belief it! I held him tight afraid that it was just a dream and I would wake up alone. "You don't have to struggle me you know I'm not going anywhere." He said looking at me with those lovely brown eyes. "I love you so much Kenneth Grey." "I love you too Miya Rosewood." And we kissed again...that's when I got the idea for my next book 'Falling for my cousin's fiancé.'

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