P A R T 3

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"Whatcha doing?" someone asks from behind Caroline, causing her to jump and almost slip in fright. She turns around and sees a man standing there.

"I'm about to kill myself, so don't try to stop me," she yells.

"I wasn't going to, but can I make a suggestion" he yells back as he leans against his car that she hadn't even heard stop.


"You should do it on the bridge over Jefferson Lake. It's higher, and the water is colder, so if you don't die on impact, you will freeze to death as you drown," he says calmly.

"Is this some sort of reverse psychology thing?" she asks. The guy laughs and pushes himself off his car, walking towards Caroline.

"No, I'm just trying to help, I can take you there if you want, and I won't try to convince you not to do it," he says, putting a hand over his heart and another in the air to show some sort of promise.

She contemplates it for a moment. He could be tricking her, or he could help her. She looks over the bridge and sees it's not at high as she remembers Jefferson's bridge to be. The odds of her dying here are suddenly not as good as she hoped. She looks back at the guy as she contemplates her decision.

"What's in it for you?" she asks.

"I don't know. I just don't have plans today." he shrugs. "You wanna guarantee you will die, or you wanna test it here and wake up in a hospital two weeks from now?" he asks earnestly. She takes a deep breath and jumps onto the concrete road.

The guy smiles before opening the passenger's side door for her to climb in. Then, he hops into the driver's side and starts the car.

"I'm Ben, by the way," he smiles before pulling off.

"Caroline," she mutters in hopes that she didn't just get in the car of someone who sells people. Of course, it wouldn't matter if he was a murderer because she is planning on dying anyway, but that would really suck to be sold or something. 

word count: 355

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