Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

I was screaming at the top of my lungs, waiting for someone to come. I didn't care who, just at least someone, anyone. I had been stuck in this cell for what felt like days, but I knew only three nights had passed since I woke up. Judging by the heat and light coming from outside, I would guess it's about noon right now. I smiled, just about time for lunch.

I gave up screaming for a while to analyze myself. I was a complete wreck. My long, brown hair was knotted and I could feel the grease just from sitting here. I felt like I haven't showered in months. I had dirt in each fingernail and dried blood all over my hands. I didn't remember where the blood came from though. My bones and muscles ached from lying on the stone floor all day. I didn't just feel physically drained, but mentally as well. My head hurt and I had so many thoughts in it I was sure it was about to explode. I was also shaking, being confined in a small space by yourself for so long was sure to make anyone crazy. I probably looked like a crazed barbarian.

The people who have kidnapped me have been properly informed about my powers and have made sure to put no source of water anywhere near me. Even though I knew this, I still tried.

I sat up, closed my eyes and pushed every thought to the back of my mind except water. I attempted to pull any source of water near me. I concentrated harder, focusing my mind on all liquids. I found a small source miles away but it didn't feel like water. It was much harder to grab a hold of, thicker and slower than water. I tried to capture it, grasping it from every direction, but it wouldn't move, slipping right through my fingers. I could sense it like it was right in front of me, yet I couldn't touch it. It was like trying to remember a word or name but it was just out of reach. It was on the tip of my tongue, though I couldn't reach it.

No, I forced myself to think, I could do this. Maybe, if I tried harder.........

My thoughts were cut off by a gruff laugh. My eyes quickly snapped open. No one has come to visit me. Food had just magically appeared in front of me at meal times. I was to my feet in seconds. Ready in a battle stance. I had no idea where this brisk sense came from.

"No need for that," a huge man, much older than me, said. Even though I could hear the smugness in his voice, I could feel him sweating. He was scared; not sure of himself, not sure of me. I almost smiled. Instead I frowned. I could feel him sweating even though I couldn't see a drop on him. Then it hit me, 'sweat' was a source of water. "No water in at least 50 miles. You're in the middle of nowhere," he said. At that, I did smile, I found a way to get out and the best part was that the enemy gave it to me, not even knowing.

Finally I spoke up, "Then how am I supposed to get proper nutrition?"

Rolling his eyes he answered, "We're not stupid. We know that Water Keepers don't need water to survive, just food." I pursed my lips together, clearly bothered that he knew more about me than I did.

He brought the food forward. The same grub I'd been getting for the past few days. "Why does my food suddenly need an escort?" I asked curiously, eyeing the food in front of me.

"Master's comin' down tomorrow and you need to look............acceptable," he easily answered, throwing some garments at me.

"And if I refuse?"

He didn't need to answer, standing up straighter and flexing his arms was all I needed. Even though I was a Keeper, I knew I couldn't beat him. He was much stronger than I was and could take me down with just a single touch of his hand. I gulped then nodded.

"See ya tomorrow," he said stepping outside and locking the door behind him. I ran to the door to make sure he really left. When he was far enough away, I started with push ups, not bothering to eat my food, then moved to sit ups and lastly, I ran in place.

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