Chapter 14

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Alex's POV

Traveling with Matthew was the most spectacular trip I've ever experienced. He joked around me like we were old friends, was careful around me like we were new friends, and said things to me that seemed as if we were more than friends. Matthew had a way that made me feel comfortable and safe whenever I was around him, no matter if we were sneaking around in a lightless cave or traveling on the road to candy land.

We had grown real close over the past few days and even though I hadn't known him that long, I felt like I had known him for all of my life.

The bright light of the rising sun woke me. Yawning and stretching, I sat up. I had to rub my eyes a few times before my eyesight was clear. Looking around me I saw that Matthew was no where to be found. I stood up, not caring of my appearance, and looked around for him. Giving up, I sat back down in the spot I slept.

After half an hour Matthew came trudging in with his sack slung over his shoulder. Anger and relief rushed through my whole body.

"Where in the world were you?" I asked like an jealous girlfriend, which I wasn't.

"Relax," he said chuckling, "I just went to get some breakfast." He held out his hand, showing me the eggs he took.

"Oh," I breathed, relief flooding through me. "I thought you left me."

He smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful."

After we ate and washed up by the lake, Matthew decided it was time to start walking.

Taking my arm he led me through the woods. We talked and laughed the whole way. Soon the trees cleared out and we came to a meadow.

"Do you think that I could carry my bag with my feet?" Matthew asked suddenly.

"I bet you could but why would you when you already have your hands?" I asked confused.

Without answering he threw his sack up into the air, flipped upside down onto his hands, and caught the sack with his feet. I stared in amazement at him. We walked like that for a while, me on my feet and him on his hands, neither of us talking.

"Yup, you're right," he said breaking the silence.

"Of course I am. But what am I right about today?"

Chuckling he answered, "I can carry the bag with my feet."

"What can't you do?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well," he paused to flip back upright. His lips in a smirk. "Nothing comes to mind." At that moment we had come to a field. It was well trimmed and filed with lilies and daisies. Dropping the bag, he grabbed my arm and led me to the center of the field. "May I have this dance?" Matthew asked holding out his hand.

"Oh I don't know..." I tried to move away from the center of the field but ended up tripping over myself. He easily caught me and I quickly pulled away.

"Come on," he begged taking my hand anyway.

"But I don't even know how to dance," I argued.

"Luckily, I do."

"But there's no music," I said making another excuse.

When he started belting out a beautiful ballad I stopped fighting. He wrapped his arms around me and we swayed back and forth. His song had no words. There was hardly even a tune to it but it was the most beautiful noise I had ever heard.

We stayed there for a while, even after his song was over.

Snap. We stopped to look around us for the sound. Snap. It went again.

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