Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Emily's Pov

I hope Alex is ok, I mean she passed out and about five minutes later a group of elders just appeared out of nowhere and just took her. They just took her. The same thought kept passing through my head as I sat at my table for lunch. I wasn't really paying attention until someone poked me. My head snapped up to see that it was Parker Adams. He was the football team's team captain and also the hottest boy in school. I was so worried about Alex that I didn't notice him sit down next to me.

"Hey, are you alright? You keep spacing out in every class we've had today," He asked concerned.

"Aww are you checking up on me now?" I asked sarcastically. Did I mention he was my best friend along with Alex? So yeah there was no way we were to date if that's what you're thinking.

"Haha very funny. But honestly, are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah I guess. Just worried about Alex." I confessed.

"Don't be. I'm sure she's fine." He told me.

"You really think so?"

"I'm sure of it!"

"Alright," I said giving up.

"What are you doing after school?" He asked suddenly.

"Not much what about you?" I asked back.

"Let's go get ice cream."

I stared at him in shock. Why would he want to go get ice cream when it's freezing outside. "Why?"

"Just 'cause. Please?" He said with puppy dog eyes. Unlike Alex I seemed to know how to resist them.

"Nope," I answered popping the 'p'.

He glared at me. Then smiled venomously at me. "Then I'll just have to kidnap you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Would I?" He smirked. Who does he think he is? Thinking about kidnapping me after school.

"Your paying," I said after a while of silence. I was got up to dump my trash and looked back to see Parker smiling like a cute puppy dog. I guess ice cream really made him happy. I walked back slowly. "You alright?" I asked him when I got back. He slightly blushed and then started making circles on the table with his pointer finger.

The bell rang and we both went our separate ways. I headed down to my next class. Two more classes before school was over. I couldn't wait. I mean I get free ice cream! Yay!


"What flavor?" Parker asked me.

"Mint chocolate-chip please," I answered.

"Coming right up!" His lips curved up into a perfect smile. He really was good looking, too bad that would ruin our friendship.

Parker gave me my ice cream cone and took a bite of his. "The weather looks nicer outside," Parker suddenly commented. "Would you like to go for a walk?"

After I licked my ice cream I answered, "Sure."

We started walking slowly towards nowhere in particular. "So how was your day?" He asked starting conversation.

"You were with me most of the day," I informed him.

"That still doesn't tell me how your day was. I might have been there but we don't have the same mind so I don't know what it meant to you."

I shrugged. "Fine I guess. Just like every other school day, only without Alex."

"You need to stop worrying about Alex! She's fine," He told me.

"Okay, okay! I will," I sighed defeated.

"Yes now let's just enjoy this nice spring day." I smiled at that. The day has gotten much warmer so it was easier to enjoy our ice cream cones. The breeze lightly blew my hair about. It wasn't hot, but it also wasn't cold. It was perfect! Then some idiot had to come along and ruin it.

"Aww come on!" I scream as someone knocks my ice cream over on to myself. Parker's eyes widen and he starts apologizing over and over again while asking if I was ok. "Why are you sorry? it wasn't your fault," I ask as he helps me clean my hands off at a nearby lake.

"You want a new one? Let's get you a new one."

"I don't need a new one Parker, I'm fine."

"You sure? I honestly don't mind at all!"

I stare at him. "What is up with you today? You're acting all........weird," I ask. He quickly looks away from me. I look at the time. It's 4:30 I could say I have homework and go home and actually pig out and watch bad movies like I do every Friday or I could say with the awkward conversation I knew we would have. Defiantly home. "I have to go and finish up homework," I tell him.

"It's a Friday," He says in a 'duh' tone. I only shrug.

"I like to get my homework done early," I reply.

"We don't have any homework this weekend. Except our English essay and you've already finished that." Darn I was caught.

"You don't know that. Do you stalk me all the time to my classes?" I ask.

He rolled his eyes. "Emily, I have every class with you except gym and art." Oh shoot I forgot about that. "And I'm pretty sure you don't have that much work to do in those classes."

After awhile of silence he finally spoke up, "But if you want to go I'll be happy to take you."

"No it's okay I can walk. But thanks for the ice cream."

"No problem," He said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

We walked back to his car and he got in but not before asking me again if I wanted him to drive me back. I assured him again that I was fine and I know my way home from here. I watched him drive away before turning to walk home. I still had a little bit of ice cream on me I noticed as I walked.

When I was at a streetlight waiting, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around but the person grabbed me by the waist and put a hand over my nose and mouth making me breathe in something. I tried to pull his hands away or get someone to help me, but they couldn't see me since he pulled me into the bushes. I'm going to die! I thought right before I passed out.

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