Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Emily's Pov

I woke up in a small, dark, plain room. It looked how I would think a jail cell would look like, just there were walls instead of bars. I was lying on a bed that honestly felt like I was on a rock. I rolled onto the floor, landing with a thump. I heard footsteps coming from behind the walls that seperated me from whatever was outside. The door opened and a bright light came shining in. I blinked a few times to get used to it.

When my eyes finally adjusted, a man stood in front of the door blocking most of the light from my vision. "Who are you?" I asked in a quiet voice. "Where am I?" The man bounded forwards without saying a word. His big, thick hand grabbed my arm, seemingly tiny in comparison. "Stop! Let go of me! Don't touch me!" I demanded. He let go. Surprised, I backed up. He growled and came at me once more.

Before he touched me a powerful voice boomed in. "Do what she says, no need to frighten the girl. She is our guest after all." A boy about a few inches taller than me came in. The man quickly straightened and backed away from me, nodding once, and then leaving the room. "My, my. You don't look like I remember," he said, "What's changed?"

Confused I said the only thing reasonable, "What are you talking about? Remember me? I don't even know who you are!"

"Oh but don't you?" he asked like I knew exactly what he was implying.

"Who are you?" I whispered. I thought back to everything that has ever happened to me. Do I know him? My mind only came up blank of any recognition. Cursing I looked back up at him. "Who are you?" I asked much louder this time, a lot angrier than before.

"Oh that's it!" he said like I just found the answer to his biggest mystery, "You've learned to talk, little sister." His smile was sinister and his dark eyes narrowed at me.

Sister? No way! I didn't even know this guy and he was claiming that we're related?! He's insane! Still I couldn't stop the small recognition that sparked my mind. Also, he had the same shade of blonde hair that I did, the oval shape of his face matched mine almost identically. The only real difference were our eyes. While mine were a light brown color, his were a dark blue color.
"Then how would I have never known about you, while you seem to know everything about me?" I asked.

"Our mother didn't want you to know anything about me. Did you know that she thought I was a monster? My own mother....." he said, more to himself than me. The anger showing in his eyes. "She was right of course, but still, it hurt."

Actually, I didn't know, I thought, since I didn't even know you existed! "And what about my father?"

"Our father? Well you never knew him since he walked out on you and mom, he didn't even know you existed until about two weeks ago. Neither did I. His dying wish was for you to follow in his footsteps and to join me," he told me.

"How do I know you're not bluffing?" I asked. He grabbed my arm and started rolling up my sleeve. "What are you doing?" I asked, worry evident in my tone.

"Just relax," was his only answer. Immediately, I felt myself loosen up. He kept rolling up my sleeve until he came to my shoulder. Before doing anything else his eyes met mine. There was a pleasant expression in them. I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but it was there, whatever it was. He smiled and then let go of my arm. A small smile found its way to my face.

I followed the direction of his eyes to find out what was happening. He started rolling up his sleeve as well. Okay, I started to think, this guy is a bit crazy. Then he took my arm back and pointed to a mark on it. I gasped. I've never seen this mark before in my life. The mark was in a crescent shape. It was small and barely visible. The small dots on it were only evident if you stared at it for at least five seconds.

I looked up to find him watching me. Waiting for my reaction. Curious to see what I would do next. Observing my every move.

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