Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up to a bright room in a very uncomfortable bed with a rock hard pillow. The only comfortable thing about the bed was the blanket. It was a soft sweatshirt-like blanket and it was so huge that I could fold it twice and it would still wrap around me. I started to look around the room so I could figure out where I was. There were green, dark blue, reddish-orange, light blue, and yellow flags that hung over every bed. the walls were painted brown. It might seem an odd color for all these colorful flags, but it seemed to pull all the colors together nicely. The floor was a light brown wood color. The walls were darker than the floors but that doesn't mean that they are dark.

There was only two other people in the room, other than me. The older woman was telling the other to wash her hands in the sink she was pointing at, after what looked like a bloody nose. The girl did as she was told. She looked as if she has done this many times before. I felt sorry for her, I've never had a bloody nose in my life. The girl quickly hurried out of the room. The older woman had blonde hair with a few grey streaks in it, she was also very tall and wasn't very skinny. I guessed she was a nurse just because of the way she handled the girl's bloody nose so calmly, my mom would have freaked out asking how it happened, where it happened, and why it happened. Then again, my mother freaks out about everything so this could be anyone. The woman had on a yellow dress that seemed to suit her very well. She looked stressed out but tried her best to hide it.

When I looked around a few times and noticed that there wasn't anything left to look at I decided to sit up. As soon as I did I regretted it. "Oh, I wouldn't do that," The lady said in a sweet voice. I instantly laid back down.

"Where am I?" I asked, "And who are you?"

"Oh, so many questions!" She exclaimed. They were only two, I thought. "I am Silvia. But you can call me Mrs. Dery," She stated, "And you are in the nurses office and I am the nurse." That's not the answer I wanted.

"Where is the nurses office?" I asked hoping that would clear it up.

"Well EMS of course!" She said a bit too cheery.

"What is EMS?" I asked.

"Element School," she said, as if I were stupid, "EleMent School," she said emphasizing the E, M, and S. Woah, I thought, Element School? I've been waiting for this my whole life and now I'm finally here! But how?

"How did I get here?" I asked curiously as all these possible solutions formed in my head, but they were quickly put away by Mrs. Dery sighing heavily.

"Oh course you don't remember, you were asleep for 3 days!" She mumbled more to herself than me. She seemed lost in her own thoughts until I interrupted her.

"How did I get here then?" I said more sternly this time.

She frowned for the longest time then looked at the floor, getting her thoughts together. When she was ready she looked up and said, "I'm sorry dear but I'm not the right person to ask." What? What is that suppose to mean? Why not?

"Then who is?" I asked stubbornly ready to get the answer I wanted.

"Mrs. Perry," she answered. "But you can't see her now," she said sounding alarmed as I started to get up, "You need to rest."

I was happy that she said that because it hurt for me to get up. But being the stubborn person that I was, I just had to argue. "Rest? REST? That's what I've been doing for the last three days and you're saying I need more?" I shouted. I know that it wasn't right for me to get upset with her for helping me, but what can I say? I'm stubborn.

"You are still very weak. You can see Mrs. Perry when you are stronger, and that is that." She scolded as she walked back to her desk and started typing up something. I frowned and then blackness came down over my vision and carried me away into unconsciousness.

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