Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"A Keeper?" I asked again, the tenth time.

"Yes, Alex, a Keeper!" Principal Perry told me. "You know the story of the Keepers, right?" she asked. Of course I do, who doesn't?

"Yeah," I spat out, like she was stupid.

"Well, then tell me." She told me while smiling evilly.

I rolled my eyes while looking at the ground so she wouldn't see me. Then I started the story, "The Keepers are in control of the elements. Well, their element of course! Only five get picked. One for each element; fire, water, ice, earth, and energy. There are many Keepers in the world, but there are never two keepers of the same element at the same time. So they are rare. When a Keeper does his duty, he (or she) isn't a Keeper anymore and someone else becomes a Keeper." I ranted, "But, it takes something very special inside of you to be a Keeper." I told her as I remembered my mother telling me that every night. 'You, Alexandra Grace Young, have something special in you,' my mother would tell me every night when I was little. I wondered why she ever stopped telling me that. She probably thought I was too old for that. No one is to young to be told they're special!

"Good job, Ms. Young," Mrs. Perry told me, taking me out of my thoughts. "And you are one of those special people! You are a Keeper." She smiled at me like she was proud.

"How do you know?" I asked accusingly.

"I can see it in your eyes," she told me, "In your spirt! You have it in you! I know you do." She kind of whispered the last part. That's not creepy at all, I thought. I must've given her a weird look because she started explaining more to me. "Look, I too was a Keeper. All these strange things happened to me too. So you aren't alone. I promise," she added, giving me a sad smile.

"I........believe you," I whispered.

"What?" She asked.

"I believe you," I said louder. "I have always felt a strong connection to water, and it just got stronger when I turned sixteen," I told her, "I thought it was just a coincident, but nothing seems to be now that I think of it."

"Yes, that does seem to happen when you're a Keeper," Principal Perry told me. She looked at the clock and looked as if she saw a ghost. "You have to go to class!" She exclaimed, "I'll send for Cameron." She walked out the door, whislin

I heard a lot of whispering and then the Principal called for me to come. I did as I was told for fear of getting in trouble. I did not want to get in trouble as a Keeper! Keepers are the people you look up to. Someone who gets in detention is not someone people should look up to. When I walked out the door I stopped. Right in front of me was the most gorgeous guy I have seen in my life. Is that an angel, I couldn't help but think. I started walking again when I noticed everyone was staring, but this time I kept my head down so I wasn't caught staring again. When I reached where he was standing I looked up and tried to keep eye contact.

"Hey, I'm Cameron," he told me while holding out his hand.

"I'm Alex," I said. Then I shook his hand and smiled. He smiled back and took me down down to my class. I looked back at him when he left.

"So, you're a fan of Cameron?" this one girl asked coldly. I could already tell we wouldn't be very close. I narrowed my eyes at her. "I'm Crystal," She told me, "And you are?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"I'm Alex," I answered. She told me that I should grab a seat by her and her friends. So I followed and sat in a seat I found. I waited for the teacher to enter the room, but instead in came Principal Perry. I could feel her eyes looking straight in to mine, pouring into my soul.

"Hello students!" She started with, "Your teacher is alright and just had to use the restroom and asked me to watch you. But also, I have to make and announcement. As you may know, we have a new student with us today! Her name is Alex. Alex please stand up." She told us. I stood up blushing and looked around. A lot of kids were snickering. "She is our new Keeper." The laughter stopped and everyone looked at me in awe. Crystal fumed. She narrowed her eyes at me and I quickly looked away, not wanting to get in a fight. The teacher stumbled into the doorway and all the eyes turned from me to her. I gladly sat down. "Hello Mrs. Anderson, I was just telling them about our new Keeper," Principal Perry told the teacher.

Mrs. Anderson smiled and looked at me and then back to Principal Perry. "I expect many great things out of her," Mrs. Anderson said. I blushed and glued my eyes to the desk I was sitting at. I could feel Crystal's eyes burning into the back of my head but I just smiled.

When the class was over, Cameron came by to pick me up and bring me to lunch. I knew Crystal would be jealous. "So how was Fortune class?" He asked me.

"Oh!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked concerned.

"I didn't know what class I was in." I said sheepishly. He burst out laughing. "Hey! Take it easy on me!" I complained, "I just got here!" That just made him laugh even more.

"You know what?" Cameron asked, as he put his arm around my shoulder. I blushed, hoping that he didn't notice. "I think you're growing on me." I smiled at the thought and then decided to play along.

"I knew it was gonna happen one way or another," I said, winking.

"Don't push it," He warned.

I shrugged his arm of then turned around and poked his belly playfully. "You like me!" I teased. Then I acted serious and said, "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way about you."

" pushed it!" He said as he walked off to a table of two boys and one girl. I bursted out laughing.

"Hey!" I called after him. "Wait up!" I went after him. When I caught up to him, he had already reached the table with the others.

When I bounced over to him he looked at me, then turned to look at everyone at the table, and then back to me, but this time he was smiling. "These here," he said gesturing to the rest of the table, "are your fellow Keepers. As am I."

After that, the girl got up and smushed me with a hug and planted a small kiss on my cheek. "Finally! Another girl! I've been stuck with these!" she said gesturing at the boys. I giggled. I could tell we were going to be great friends.

"Hey!" All three boys protested together. If I knew that these were the people who would change my life, I would have given them all a big hug.



Hey guys! Thanks for all the votes and comments! I hope you liked this chapter. And just so you know, I'm not always going to be post chapters this fast. But I am really enjoying writing this! Please vote/comment if deserved. Thanks! :)

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