Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Alex's POV

It has been a week and a half since we last saw Jason. We have all been taking an extra fighting class after school to get our skills up. We were partnered up and of course the worst fighter (me) was partnered up with the best fighter - besides Frank of course - Cameron.

Mr. Anthony mostly stayed by us since we (really just me) needed the most practice. Cameron always complained about being my partner. Everyday was the same. Mr. Anthony would give Cameron a smart retort. And then he would always leave us to go to his office when we started fighting. Of course Cameron said he didn't want to hit a girl so he just moved out of the way when I tried to punch him. Honestly, I wasn't learning anything.

"Please Mr. Anthony! I thought we were suppose to be learning something. I'm not learning anything with her," Cameron inclined his head towards me. Mr. Anthony just smiled. Well this is new, I thought.

Mr. Anthony called Frank into the room and he came in right away. Mr. Anthony whispered something to Frank. Confusion evident on his face, he told Cameron to come with him. Cameron did and I was left in the room with Mr. Anthony.

He just grabbed a punching bag from the corner of the room and hung it up in the center of the room. I just stared at him. Obviously not understanding what he wanted me to do.

He stared back at me for a while and then he rolled his eyes. "Give it a go."

"A go?" I snickered.

"Yes, now try."

I slowly walked up and then looked over my shoulder, back at Mr. Anthony.

"Just hit it," he explained.

"But your watching me," I mumbled.

"Yes, so what?"

"I feel self-conscious and your obviously going to be judging me."

Again he rolled his eyes. "You're kidding right? Come on just try." Only when I heard the pleading in his voice did I sigh and face the bag. I slowly looked over my shoulder and quickly looked back. "Just punch!" he begged. I sighed once again and punched.

"Keep going," I heard behind my back. So I kept punching. Hitting it at every angle I could. Only to stop when I felt strong hands on my waist. My body suddenly stiffened. "Keep tension here. You aren't strong, so you can really 'push' them down."

"Well thanks for the kind words-"

"But you are fast," he cut me off. "Use that to your advantage." I nodded to show I understood.

His hands left my waist. "Again!" he commanded.

I hit the bag until I had bruises all over my knuckles. When it was time for lunch I stopped. I was stopped from getting out the door by Mr. Anthony. "Here let me help you," he said taking my hand. I was too shocked to speak so I let him help me. "Sit here." He left the room while I sat upon a brown, leather couch that was oddly placed in the fighting room. When Mr. Anthony came back into the room he kneeled in front of me. He grabbed my hand and started rubbing it with a cloth. I noticed that there was something on the cloth since it stung when he rubbed. "Sorry," he said when he noticed me wincing.

Finally finding my voice, I said, "It's okay."

When he finished he stood up and offered me his hand. I took it. "So, you wanna get lunch?" Mr. Anthony asked me.

"Um.....sure," I answered unsure.

"It's okay, if you don't want to......" he trailed off shyly.

"Oh no! I'm hungry, so why not?" I asked smiling.

"Great! I know this amazing place!" he said while walking towards the door, obviously ready to leave. He turned around when he got to the door, staring at me. I smiled and gathered up my coat and walked out the door.

"Well are we gonna go or not?" I asked in a teasing tone, looking back at him. He smiled and we walked outside, ready with empty bellies.


We had a really good time at a place called Rutu, an amazing Italian place. I had spaghetti while he had meat and cheese ravioli. We laughed and talked all evening and we were just getting ready to leave.

"You sure you don't want a desert?" he asked still unsure of what to do.

"I am absolutely sure!" I said with a smile.

"Okay then," he sighed. He paid and we then walked out. "You tired?" he asked me suddenly, "Or do you wanna have some fun?"

"I'm not tired," was my only answer.

He smirked and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his car. We got to this bar in a few minutes. This can't be far from the campus, I thought. We walked in, Mr. Anthony in the front and me behind. As soon as we walked in a name was called. I couldn't make it out so I didn't worry but Mr. Anthony seemed to know the guy and the name he was calling since he walked right over. The guy had short blonde hair and blue eyes so blue that it seemed you could get lost in them as you could in the ocean.

"Hey man!" Mr. Anthony yelled as we neared the other guy whom I decided to call blondie. They did one of those weird man hug-hand shake things.

"How it going Gavin?" Blondie asked Mr. Anthony.

Before he could speak I stepped in. "Gavin?" I snorted.

The blondie looked at me shocked, as if he had just seen me now. "Yeah, that's my first name," Mr. Anthony said while wrinkling his nose.

"I thought Anthony was your first name! Who has Anthony as a last name?"

At that he smirked. "Well you see, I do, Marc Anthony, Casey Anthony, and Carmelo Anthony do." He exaggerated all the Anthony's to make his point.

"Gosh it's like you've memorized all the people with Anthony as their last name," I muttered.

"I make it my business to know who has my last name."

I was about to come back with a smart remark but blondie butted in. "Uh, who is this?" he asked, nodding his head towards me.

"My name is Alex," I introduced myself. I held out my hand for him to shake but was left with a blank stare. I quickly put down my hand noticing that he wasn't going to shake it anytime soon.

Feeling someone breathing down my neck, I softly heard the words, "They don't do that here." I looked beside me and found no one so I assumed that Mr. Ant - Gavin was behind me. Blondie and Mr. - Gavin, I've got to get that in my head, continued talking for a while. I was beginning to get a bit bored. A song came on and a smiled. It was an old song, but a good one. I started taping my foot and mouthing the song. I heard laughter to my right so I turned to see Gavin smiling at me. My cheeks turned red and I looked down.

"What?" I shyly asked, looking back up through my eye lashes.

"You like this song?" I nodded my head vigorously.

"Who doesn't?" I answered.

He smiled and took my hand. "Would you like to dance?" he asked me.

"Sure," I smiled back and he led me to the dance floor.

We swayed back and forth, moving to the rhythm of the music. I felt a tap on my shoulder and familiarity raced towards me. I slowly turned around and tensed all over when I saw who it was. I lost control and my legs started shaking. I stepped back and fell. Gavin caught me. Thankful, I looked up at his face and smiled.

He smirked back before saying, "It looks like you have already met my brother, Jace, or whom you might know as," he paused for the effect, "Jason."

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