|140| Hurt

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A sharp pain spread in her belly. Nathalie winced. She could tell she had been lying down. She had been lying down on Zeke's lap. His back, against a tree. He had instantly transformed into the Beast when those bombs dropped on their heads like rain. He had caught her safely in the gigantic hand and he had taken her away, abandoning everybody else. He didn't care about anybody else. He only cared about her and no matter how much she had screamed at him to go back and help Levi, he didn't listen. He just had to take her to safety. She was important. She had to live. For more reasons than one.

The fires had snuffed out sometime in the middle of the night. He had fought off whatever soldier and ship came at them. They were safe, for now. At least, she was safe. He had to make sure she would survive this. Marley had started the war so it seemed. They had made their move. It had begun. But Zeke couldn't care less about it. He heard her let out a pained whimper and his eyes snapped open.

It was morning now. They had managed to get some sleep and now, in the same unending forest, he had chosen to merely rest back against a tree, and let her sleep and rest. She had passed out. She had fainted again last night, and it was the second time he had seen her pass out like this. Could it all be a mere incidence of emotional distress and lack of sleep? She had slept though. She didn't lack sleep. But Zeke knew what was wrong with her. He just knew.

Her eyes widened and the palm of her hand clamped around her lips as she stood up and rushed away from him. She fell on her knees and started vomiting. Zeke rushed her way. He took off her glasses and held her hair back as she puked her guts out. He couldn't remember the last time he had done this for her. Or at least, his beloved wife, far, far away from here. Nathalie let out another whimper as she finished and she wiped her mouth with her handkerchief. A nauseating taste lingered on her tongue.

"Zeke..." Her hand reached back for him, to grab onto him and prop herself back on her feet.

"I've got you," He passed an arm beneath her wobbling feet and the other supported her back as he picked her up. She was as light as a feather. Exactly as he remembered her the last time he had held her like this. He looked down at her as he walked. She had a hand clutching on his shirt, whilst she nuzzled her face on his chest. Her eyes, tiredly closed. "Nat... what do you think is wrong with you?" He asked as he walked through the forest, carrying her.

She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes even tighter. It was obvious she didn't want to answer that question. She knew it. She just knew it. It wasn't a mere coincidence to faint twice in twenty-four hours. And then wake up to throw up right away. And despite all that sleep that she had taken, she was still exhausted. And not to mention that she hadn't got her period in two months at all. No. Tears slipped down her cheeks. Her hand slipped down and found her belly.

"You don't have to tell me," Zeke said, noticing the struggle on her face and her hesitation to speak.

"I... I think I'm pregnant," Her voice cracked and now the tears soaked both her cheeks and his shirt. Zeke didn't say anything though, as if he already knew that that was going to be her answer. But she didn't linger on that too long. "And he hates me..." She wept. Her mind, finally wandered to the day before. "...he hates me, I know it... I've lost him forever,"

What the hell was she going to do now? She wasn't even sure whether she was pregnant or not. Maybe it was something else. But something told her she was right. Dammit. What the hell was she supposed to do? Her husband hated her. Her husband despised her, and she'd never blame him. Levi had seen her kiss another man. Levi was blind and she had let him be. She was the one who had sabotaged their relationship. She wouldn't blame him. I thought you loved me. Dammit. Levi thought she didn't love him. He thought it was all a fucking lie. He thought all they had built just meant nothing. He wasn't going to let her see her children again, was he? He was never going to let her near them ever again.

Broken Hearts, Severed Limbs (Levi x OC x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now