Chapter 2

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The morning sunlight shine through the curtains, the breeze blower lightly among the nature outside and the sounds of birds chirping completes the morning vibe.

Earth slowly opened his eyes as he yawned. He didn't feel the presence of Mix on the bed. Usually, after the night that they spent together, Mix would stay in bed with him but why today isn't.

Earth sat up on the bed and looked around, that's just a habit of his when he woke up. He got off the bed, he went to his closet and took out some boxers and sweatpants. Then,  he to go to the bathroom and did his daily hygiene routine; he washed his face, brushed his teeth and brushed his messy hair.

Earth went to the kitchen and saw the most cutest, innocent, beautiful human being, Mix, cooking breakfast on the stove, while wearing Earth's shirt which made him look tiny. Earth couldn't help but smile a million dollars at Mix, Mix didn't even realize it. 

They did do that quite a few times but this time Earth felt like as if it's their first time.

He just wanted to went to him from behind, turned him around, which will earn a gasp and kiss him to the next realm.

Mix felt like there's someone looking at him. He turned to see his dashing boyfriend, topless and staring at him with hunger and love. "Good morning, sir," Mix said with a smile on his face. Earth went up to the cute chef and hugged him from behind.

"Mornings to you too, Mix," Earth gave a peck on the cheek to Mix. Mix smiled warmly then turned to focus on the breakfast. "Why don't you go and set up the table first? Breakfast is almost ready," Mix said.

"Okay, but.." Earth wrapped his arms on Mix's waist and sniffed on his neck and back, sending shivers down Mix's spine.

"But what?" Mix asked.

"But, I want to have dessert first," he continued giving little soft kisses on Mix's neck.

"Huh? There's no dessert also, I'm kinda busy right now so stop it," Mix raised his voice a bit.

"Oh, but I'm having my dessert right now," Earth grinned and Mix's face blushed to a red shade. Earth teasingly cooed at Mix, and kissed the 'red marks that turned purple' marks from last night on his nape. Mix's breath hitched and he bit his lips to prevent himself from letting out a moan.

"I- You- Just go do it!" Mix got himself and hit Earth's hands on his waist. Earth let go and grinned slyly at Mix while setting up the table. Mix sighed in relief.

From time to time, Earth would look at Mix then his body. He licked his lips when his eyes landed on his boyfriend's plush buttocks. Mix's wearing underwear which expose his clothed member and butt.

"Breakfast is ready. C'mon, let's eat," Mix informed. He served the food on the table.

As Mix is serving the food, Earth is beside him admiring his lovely boyfriend's beauty, he really looks like a housewife. 

After Mix served the food, they both sat down to eat breakfast. "How is it?" Mix asked.

"it's delicious, but not as delicious as my boyfriend," Earth smirked at him as he continued eating his food. 

Mix's face flushed red. Earth teasingly grin at him.

Mix ate the fried egg that he made and took a bite of it, the yolk is still runny and it dripped on his plumpy yummy lips. Mix licked his lips, he dragged his tounge across his lips and pursed then a bit without realising Earth is looking at his lips with hunger.

After they ate breakfast, Mix collected the dirty dishes and washed them. Earth decided to help him but Mix stopped him and told him that he should do the dishes since he did them yesterday.

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