Epilogue part 2

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{Mix POV}

"God, fuck, Mix," Earth cursed out in a breathy moan next to my ear. His fingers already slicked in lube as he entered his long fingers in me. A throaty moan escaped my mouth when I felt his fingers in me.

"Ngh, Earth.."

My back is on the mattress with my legs up, Earth with one hand pushed my left leg, hand on my thigh up while his other hand working to loosening me up. He connected his face to my neck as he licked and nipped on there, creating hickies. His heavy breathing fanned against my skin, making me shiver.

"Mix, why are you so tight?" He asked before his tounge playing with my earlobe, toying with my earring.

I was trying to control my breathing because of the stimulation till I let a loud moan. Earth moved from my ear and look at me with a smug smile, knowing he hit my spot. He continued to use his middle and index finger to rub on that spot, while enjoying the view of me moaning and withering underneath him.

He added a third finger and move in a open and close motion to opening up the space.

"Earth.. ah.. just.. just fuck me already! Oh my god!" I pleaded. Earth looked at me amused.

"Who's the boss here? You have no right to say that to me," Earth said with his hand still working in me. His response made me whimper. My eyes water in so much stimulation. And I swear, my face is still red and heated. My sweat is soaked into my lingerie dress I'm still wearing.

"Please, nghh, daddy, uh! Please, daddy, I need you- Ahh," I said but this time, I begged in between moans. Earth leaned closer to my face and I felt his hot, warm breath on my cheek.

"But since you asked me nicely this time, of course," he swirled his tounge on my jaw then traced it along my jawline to my chin. He tugged my bottom lip in between his lips and instantly made me kiss him. Teeth and tounges clashing again. His hand removed from me and move his hand up to my chest in my dress.

Earth broke the kiss and place a soft peck on lips before moving down to lick my nipples. I became sensitive when Earth came contact with my chest especially my nipples, but along these years of us dating and fucking, I found Earth became addictive to my nipples.

Most of the times after we made love, my nipples would itch everytime. I would literally have wear an under shirt when I go to work. Damn, Earth, I'll get my revenge someday.

But my mind is too fogged to think about those things right now. After Earth is satisfied licking me, he moved lower and left a trail of kisses from my stomach to my pelvis. When he move down to my pelvis, he smirked while looking at my body then me.

"You still do shave huh?" Earth asked with a chuckle.

"Gotta keep clean, babe, hah" I answered with a dry chuckle at the end. Earth simply smiled but fondly. He tugged on the skirt of the dress then he look at me.

"You wanna keep the dress on or not?" He asked, softly. To be honest, I wasn't expecting him to ask me about this. He would just fuck me senseless with me in this dress.

"Whatever you like, I'm just putting it for show," I answered.

"Let's keep it on," he smirked while looking down on me cos he's standing on his knees now in front of me, without his underwear.

He grabbed the lube he used and slithered it on his hands before rubbing it on his goddamn dick. Watching him touch his crotch just made my own crotch went hard. The image in front of me left me with wild imaginations of us on bed.

"Getting hard, babyboy?" He asked in a husky voice that he only use when sex. I moaned in response. He hook my legs on his shoulder as he rubbed the tip of his cock on my asshole. I whimpered as I could feel the slit rubbed against my entrance.

He slowly insert me, but his eyes focusing on my face.

{Earth POV}

Fuck, Mix is goddamn tight.

We haven't have sex for a months now because we are so busy with work. But us now, it feels like we us in our dating days. Constant care, love and sex towards each other.

"Nggh! Earth.."

I look down at Mix and he's such a hot mess. His hair sticking different directions and his forehead covered in sweat. His face is so red, corner of his eyes left streams of tears of desire and his lips quivering. My love marks on his right side of his neck and the lingerie red dress he wore complete the look.

I continued inserting in till I'm fully inside him, informing him with a moan escaping my mouth.

Mix is breathing heavily and gave me a pat on my thigh to move. I started doing slow thrusts, just how Mix likes for a start. I kept on thrusting into him until I hit his spot that made him go wild.

"Ahh~ Earth!"

The dirty moan he let out made me wanting to hear more, I started thrusting faster and harder, making sure I hit that spot. I lean in towards him and kissed him, our tounges go swirling around each as I thrust my tounge in his mouth. Sides of our mouths, leaking of saliva because we're hungry for each other.

Muffled moans from Mix sent vibrations through our kiss just made my erection go harder, my thrusts became more passionate.

Right now, I'm preying on Mix like a wild animal.

"Earth- ngah... I'm-ah, I'm cumming!" Mix moaned. Tears of pleasure running down his cheeks from his beautiful, glossy doe eyes.

"Fuck! I'm coming," I replied, before licking his ear.

After a few thrusts, Mix rolled his eyes back as he squirted out his white essence all over his lingerie dress and some of it got on my stomach. I kept on thrusting until my thrusts became tired and sloppy. After three last thrusts, I came into him deeply, letting out a loud, husky moan and Mix moaned out in ecstasy.

I remove myself from Mix, and collapsed, laying beside him. I looked over to him and he's still panting and his hands gripping the sheets and to top it all off, his stained lingerie dress.

"Sorry I dirtied your dress," I apologised, I don't know why I did that, I just say it, just in case he needs it.

"Like I said, I just put it on for show. Plus, it makes things less dirty," he smiled. His smile just made me smile along. I move up to my pillow to sleep in a more comfortable position.

I watch Mix sit up and remove his lingerie dress then throws it on the floor. I pulled him in to lay with me and I kiss him again. We bit, sucked, each other's lips. But then Mix pushed me lightly to break our kiss.

"Okay handsome, I need to sleep. I got my shift this afternoon," Mix breathed out then turned to the other side to sleep. I move closer to him and scoop him in my arms, I pressed a soft kiss on his temple before I lay my head on there, my cheek against his.

"Fine but don't come back too late, I'll miss you," I pouted.

Mix turned to face me and giggled, I smiled fondly at his cuteness. He reached his head up and place it on the scalp of my head then bring down to give a peck.

"Sure," he scoffed. Then he continued, "Only if you make dinner."

I gave him a light kiss, sucking his bottom lip in response. "Sure, my husband."

We both went back hugging each other, Mix, of course, being the little spoon. I smell his hair from time to time, thinking of how did he use many different kinds of shampoo flavours, yet his hair still remain the same smell he had since day one. His light snores are so adorable and quiet made me not to wake him up. I yawned out in exhaustion, ready to go to sleep.

God, I'm so lucky to marry this nerd. And never been so lucky to have a family with him.  I reminded myself before letting my eyelids fall down and bring me to slumber.

omg, this is the final chapter 😭
Thank u so much, lovely readers for reading and supporting my first ever story! <33
Pls support more of my future projects n I will see u next time!
The end

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