Chapter 6

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P.S. pic not owned

Mix ran to the elevator after the 'eventful' incident. He went inside the empty cubicle while still sobbing. He pressed the ground floor button after he got in.

He looked up the after pressing it and saw Earth running towards him.

"Mix! Mix! I-," Earth wanted to apologise to Mix for what happened but he could finish his saying when the door of the elevator that Mix is in closed.

Earth stopped his tracks in front of the elevator as he let out a curse.

"Shit,"he breathed out. He headed towards the stairs and run downstairs as fast as he could. He knew that taking the stairs would be much slower than the elevator but he needs to get to his Mix.

While Mix in the elevator still had tears pouring out of his eyes. He had his hands clutched tightly on the sides of his jeans, sobbing quietly. He felt pain in his heart still and the image of his P' secretly making out with a girl who seems to be his assistant kills him.

Mix looked up to the screen next to the buttons and realised that he's about to arrive to the ground floor, he quickly wipe off tears and snot from his cheeks with the end of his right sleeve.

The doors of the elevator finally open, Mix instantly went out. He half walk half run to the exit with his right hand covered his face. He tried to ignore people looking at him in confusion.

He went out of the building still having his hand covering his face. He didn't realise well he did realise that there are cars driving fast. Cars, motorcycles and even trucks drove past him in the speed if light.

Mix did not care how dangerous it is, he ran across the road, with his hand still covering his face.


All of the sudden, he heard someone shouted his name with a very familiar voice.

Mix look up front, removing his hand from his face and gasped when he saw a fast sports car drove front of him. Then, he felt a grasp, gripping his arm and pulled him to the sidewalk. And the car drove pass him.

In a second, Mix is already at the sidewalk. Everything happened so fast that Mix didn't realised that he has holding his breath throughout everything.

"Thanks," he breathed out.

"Thank you so mu-" he turned to the stranger who saved him but only saw Earth with an angry expression.

He shrugged his arm off and muttered a 'thank you'. He walked a few steps away from Earth but Earth grabbed his hand as fast as lightning. (Its an idiom, he's not the Flash)

Mix furrowed his eyebrows angrily at Earth as he squirm to get out of Earth's grip.

"What?" He asked.

"'What'?" Earth tried to not yell at Mix. He kept his breathing steady while looking at Mix who has red puffy eyes, flushed upset face and Earth knew if he yell at him it would be worse.

"'What'?" He repeated but his voiced raised to sound angrier.

"What do you mean by, 'What'?"

The voice that Mix rarely heard frightened him, it's not often he and Earth argued. Actually they didn't. Ever since they started their relationship, they never argued. But this scares them both.

"I didn't do that-" Earth explained but was cut off by Mix.

"Yeah? Is it?! I see it differently, I can see how pleasured you were with that girl!" Mix snapped.

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