Chapter 10

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-And yes, the pic was from the trailer Moonlight Chicken-

{Mix POV}

It's been a long day. I've been taking care and tutoring the first years.

We're at the campus right now and I asked them to read a few of some books that I chose form the library and some are copying and doing their notes.

I was standing next to a table of first years telling them the points and the corrections for the wrong answers.

"So.. this one here is wrong, its supposed to be-" I looked up from their notebooks to their faces. Instead of looking at their books, their looking at me, also, did I mentioned, they're girls.

Some of them hand their chin on their palm that their elbow propped on the table. I sighed quietly.

"Girls, are you paying attention to it?" I asked. They nodded still looking at me.

"Are you single, P'?" One of the girls asked.

"I.. uh.."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" the other asked.

"I.. don't have a girlfriend, " I answered. That's an easy question.

"A handsome senior like you, don't have a girlfriend? Are you looking for one recently?" Another one of the girls asked me with pouting lips.

"Well, I'm not," I said.

"Now, can we continue?" I asked them. They nodded and payed attention to their notes and books. Phew!

After tutoring session with the female first years, we get to finally get lunch. Finally, my stomach was rumbling. I need food. I ate my cheese sandwich this morning throughout the the ride with Khao and his boyfriend.

But I'm still hungry.

I went to the cafeteria along with a few first years behind me. I could hear them whispering and gossiping behind me. Gosh, it's kinda annoying.

"OMG, P'Mix is so handsome,"

"And cute too,"

"Do you guys think he's single?"

"He said, he doesn't have a girlfriend, "

"So he's single?"


"I mean like, girl, he's hotter than the sun and my heart is melting like ice cream right now!"

"You're so full of yourself, Atid!"


I rolled my eyes in annoyance and finally reached the cafeteria.

"Fried rice with a fried egg please," I ordered to the cook at a stall. She nodded as I waited for my food.

After a while, my food's ready. I payed for the meal as I took it and looked around for a table.


I heard someone calling my name, it's White's voice. Then I saw him waving at me, sitting at a table with Khao and Aye. I jogged up to them trying not to spill my food to their table.

"Hey," I greeted them.

"Heyy," They three said together. Okay that's weird.

"Mix, didn't you bring your loverboy along?" Aye smirked at me.

"Nah, he's working," I said as I took a bite of the fried rice.

"Oh, I see," She raised an eyebrow at me while continuing eating her salad that she bought from home.

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