Chapter 13

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{Meow POV}

"Now, kids, behave yourselves okay?" I told my four kids as we got out of the car. They can be a handful especially when I have a baby in my arms. Yes, I have 5 kids.

I still can't believe that my brother is living in such a luxurious house. My eyes widened in amazement while my mind is guessing how much does this house costs.

"We will, mom," Kay, my four year old daughter said while nodding her head. The two strands of braids from the back of her hair bounced as she door her head.

"Woah, uncle Mix's house looks sick," Korn, my son exclaimed with his toothy grin.

"Let's get inside," my husband said as we walk towards the door and he pressed the door bell.

"Remember kids, be-"

"Behave ourselves, I know mom. You told us a million times already," Kate, my oldest daughter said, then rolled her eyes annoyingly. I sighed at her behaviour.

After a few minutes, Mix and his dashing boyfriend beside him greeted us.

{Mix POV}

I zip my black jeans up then I slip in a green sweater that is a bit baggy but I like it baggy. I look over at Earth and he's still having his hands busy buttoning his shirt. Such a slow poker.

I went up to him and swatted his hands away. I quickly buttoned up his shirt as quickly as I can.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't resist," Earth pouted. I gently patted his chest as I'm finally finish buttoning the final top button. As I looked at him in the eyes, he flicked his fingers on the top button, causing it to flick open.

"Wha- Earth!" I shouted at him, not in the loudest or angriest shout to him but like a pleading kind of voice.

"What? The top button makes me feel like I got chocked," Earth whined. All of the sudden, he raised his eyebrows then it turned to a smug expression.

"You! Stop, you've already have enough in the shower," I exclaimed, knowing what he's wanting to say. "Wear your sweater," I ordered. He just smirked and muttered an 'okay'.

After I combed my hair, just in time, the doorbell rang. I told Earth to go downstairs to greet my sister. You must wonder, how did I know its my sis by the door? I hear children.

We both stood by the door and I open it to greet sister and her family.

Earth stood beside me as he straightened his sweater. "Remember, Earth, behave," I said. One thing I don't want to happen is Earth doing anything flirtatious in front of the kids.

"Yes, babe," Earth showed me puppy eyes. I sighed. Before I even have my hand on the door knob, he kissed my cheek. I turned to him, "Earth! Behave!"

"Can a little kiss be a problem?" He pouted. I rolled my eyes in frustration, "You'll get your kisses later tonight." My cheeks went instantly flushed pink, I can't believe I said that to him. He responded with a sly smirk.

I look away as I open the door, there stood my sister, her husband and her four kids, each of the children holding a gift.

"Hi guys!" I beamed. I couldn't help but smile so widely, it's been two years since we visited each other.

"Mix! Baby bro I miss you!" My sister, Meow grinned. She handed Sky the baby before I wrapped my arms around her so tightly, then we broke the hug and I saw Earth bro hugging P'Sky, Meow's husband. I can't believe that Earth and Sky are complimenting each other's facials, like middle-aged dads do.

"Hey bro," Sky exclaimed, reaching his arm out to do this bro handshake thing with Earth.

"You too, bro! A new baby already huh?" Earth mentioned the baby in Sky's arms.

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