Chapter 8

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{Mix POV}

I woke up with a groan. Gosh my ass hurt.

P'Earth did torn me apart last night. We did rounds and rounds.

He's spooning me from behind while our legs are tangled. My eyes darted to the floor. Our clothes are on the floor, along with a few 'toys'.

After Earth shot his load down my throat, I was struggling to swallow all of it. A few of the droplets escaped my mouth and dripped down my chin and neck.

Earth removed his manhood as he was breathing heavily. I looked up to him and he was looking at me, too. He pressed his lips against mine as we both lie down on the mattress, with him on top of me.

Then the craziest idea came up to me, we never did this before.

I broke the kiss and I spoke, "P'.."


"I wanna ride you."

His eyes widened. But he laid back next to me as he said with a warm smile,"Sure, do what you want. I want to make you happy."

I smiled back to him as I sat up, I'm hesitating. I don't know what to do. I swear Earth could feel the hesitation around me.

"If you want, there's something in the closet that could be useful," Earth said with his signature smirk.

At first I was confused, I got off the bed and walked to the closet, yes, while naked.

I opened the closet and instantly saw a box, not that big or not that small.

I picked it up and looked over to Earth who's on the bed and he nodded.

I opened the box and my eyes widened in shocked with what's and the amount of stuff in there. I looked over to Earth in confusion and shock.

"I.. bought it a month ago," he said with a blush creep across his face.

I bought it to the bed, placing it on the floor next to the bed. I gulped as took one of the things from the box and well, used it on Earth and gosh, it's the best night ever.

Earth never bottomed before, but the only thing he would bottom for is the dildo.

Speaking of Earth, I turned to see him and my hips hurt terribly.

Earth is still sleeping. Light snores came out his mouth. I stared at his lips, they're slightly in a reddish colour, probably from the kissing last night.

"Mhm, don't just stare at them," Earth said in a husky low voice. I chuckled a bit as I pecked his lips, giving a 'good morning' kiss.

"Good morning, daddy," I greeted as I snuggled to him closer.

"There's something you forgot," he said. I looked up to him with my eyes furrowed. He softly chuckled as he place a kiss on my forehead.

He shook his hand that is handcuffed on the bed corners. I looked away as I felt my face heated up with the image of Earth last night.

"Aren't you gonna help daddy, babyboy?" He asked with a sly smile on his face. I sighed as I took the handcuffs off his right wrist. What I didn't realised us that I'm actually releasing the beast.

{End of POV}

After Mix uncuffed Earth, the businessman jumped on top of Mix as he kissed his cheeks, shoulders and neck, even behind the ear while his hands are busy running up and down Mix's ribs.

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