Chapter 11

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It's been 2 weeks since that day; it's Friday.

{Earth POV}

"Nong, I'm on my way," I said while driving.

"P'! Please be quick, I'm getting nervous here," Mix says from the other side of the screen. We're video calling each other, well, Mix called me because today is his graduation day and of course, just like any other students, he's nervous.

"Okay, okay, Nong. I'm ending the call okay? See you there, bye!"

"Okay, P'... Bye." Mix replied, with a hitch of sadness at the end. Then I pressed the red button.

I continued to drive to the uni, but before I go there, I'm going to the flower shop to get some flowers.

I hummed excitedly for Mix's reaction when I go to his graduation. Sure he knew it already, but he didn't know that I'm coming with flowers. Not only that, his favorite flowers, which are roses.

Once I got there, I got out of the car walked into the flower shop. I pushed the glass door gently and the little bell on the top of the door let out a welcoming ringing sound.

The flower shop has various, beautiful kinds of floras. There are flowers in yellow and pink wrapped up in bouquets in front of the display window. The walls are white, and the floor is brown wood flooring. There are, of course, flowers in pots lined up next to the walls. Some little pots of flowers and succulents are on shelves. Not much of change here.

Its been such a while since I came here. Actually, I used to work here.

"Welcome to Niah's Flower Shop," a woman's sweet voice could be heard. She's placing little colourful pots on the floor below the shelves.

"How may I help you- Earth!" When she turned around to meet me, she was surprised and I couldn't help but smile.

"It's been a while. How have you been?" She walked up to me to give a warm hug with a smile.

"I've been good, Nana Niah," I hugged her back in acceptance.

The owner of the flower shop is Nana Niah, a middle-aged woman. She's a sweet and kind woman. Ever since my parents were upset and furious about my sexuality, Nana Niah has been there for me. She's like a mother to me, sorry mom.

"What brings you here, dear?" She asked as we broke the hug.

"I'm sure you're not here for a part time job because you've been working very hard to afford a suit," She continued and I chuckled. She's still beautiful even for a 60 year old woman. Sorry again mom.

"From what you see, no," I chuckled sheepishly. "I'm here for some flowers," I continued.

"Ah, I see," She smiled like a proud woman as she walked to the counter, getting some wrapping papers.

"What kind of flowers, dear?" She asked.

"Uh, roses please. Red ones," I said, remembering what colour would Mix like.

She has a wide grin across her face as she walked to the roses section. She started to pick some roses and from what I noticed, she chose the ones that are fine red and beautiful ones that ate amongst the others. After he chose the flowers, she brings them to the counter and started wrapping them.

"Who they're for?" Nana asked, keeping her attention to the flowers.

"Oh, for person," I answered, sheepishly.

"Oh, I see," She smiled while doing some finishing touches for the bouquet. "How's Mix?" She asked with a sly smile.

My eyes widened in surprise, I didn't know that she could still remember people's names. She says so herself that she forgets her grandchildrens' names.

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