Chapter 4

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Mix woke up in the middle of the night with Earth's chest in front of him. He blinked a bit then look up. He scooted upwards to meet the handsome face of his P' who is still sleeping.

His thick, masculine eyebrows, the well define shaped-nose, his cheekbones under the tight skin and the plump lips. Everything fits his looks.

Mix looked at Earth's face then slowly to his lips.

He placed a soft kiss on the lips, he craved the moment when his soft lips on the other's. He stayed like that till he fell asleep again.

{Earth POV}

I opened my eyes and the sight Mix's lips on mine surprised me. He's probably moving to much and ended up kissing me. I pushed him a little bit to his side of the bed then I turned to the opposite side, which cause I turned my back on him.

I feel really bad for doing it. All of the sudden, I got notification from my phone. Took the covers off me and I went to the living room.

My phone is on the coffee table. I took my phone and clicked on the notification through the screen as I sat on the sofa. It's some texts from my assistant, Air.


Hey Earth
We have a sudden meeting with a fashion company that we recently wanted to collaborate with.
We're going to have a meeting with Bright Vachirawit and Win Metawin at the office in 11am.

I have work today. I sighed as I looked at the texts. I want to stay at home because I recently realise that I didn't spend a lot of time with Mix even though we did quite a lot of constant sex. But, still, the company have been looked up to work together with Bright and Win.

I looked at the time, it's 8am. It's quite early. I brought my phone with me to the bedroom and plugged the charger on the nightstand next to the bed. I sat on the bed while looking at the sleeping beauty.

He looks so elegant when he sleeps on his stomach and the covers are barely covering his back. Which made a full display of his back. The side of his face is on the pillow, which made him turned to my side.

I sighed at the thought of leaving him. I leaned to his face and place a kiss on the cheek. Then I felt there's movement from him. He turned around and he rubbed his eye, innocently. He smiled at me while saying, "Good morning, daddy."

I got so surprised at the choice of words that I laughed at him. He blinked then blushed and pulled the covers up to cover his head. I took the covers of him and placed a kiss on his lips.

{Mix POV}

I woke up with Earth's in front me. I greeted him a, "Good morning..". Then he burst out laughing. I was confused at first then, I realised I used the word "..daddy."

I got so embarrassed that I blushed to my face turned red. I pulled the covers up and hid my red face in it while smilling.

He took the covers of my face then kissed me. I closed my eyes as I tried catch up the movement of his lips.

Earth straddled on top of me then pressed my shoulders on the bed. He broke the kiss then looked at me. "Did I woke you?"he asked. I looked at him as I nodded.

All of the sudden, I felt a big rough hand on my cock. I furrowed my eyes I looked at Earth.

"P!Ahhh~"I felt the tip of my dick got pinched.

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