The bells

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Dumbass author here!! The later chapters are all better than this first one. Muscle through it, it gets better.

The high-pitched ringing knocked him out of his thoughts. The loud, overbearing thoughts. Bakugo looked up and was met with Kirishima's wide, annoyingly bright smile. He sneered at the redhead in front of him."What do you want, shitty hair?" He leaned down and grabbed his bag from next to his desk, and stood up.

"Class is over, and lunch is like, now!" Kirishima turned and started to the door.

Lunch... I already ate today. I really shouldn't eat anything else... I've gained weight the last few days... Bakugo's thought overtook whatever the fuck Kirishima had said. The ladder glanced over his shoulder at Bakugo."You gonna come or not? Everyone else is gone." He pointed at the door. Bakugo felt himself jump a bit as his gaze went from his bag in his hands to Kirishima's red iris'.

"Yeah, whatever." He walked over to Kirishima, staying in step with the slightly shorter male."I don't think I'm going to have anything to eat today. I'm not hungry." That was a lie. He was incredibly starved. He had only eaten an apple today, but that was all he needed. Kirishima looked over at him with a confused look.

"How are you not hungry? I'm starved! I ate pretty well this morning too." Bakugo shrugged.

"Guess I'm just tougher than you." He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he focused on the tiled walls.

"Not being hungry doesn't make you tougher than me! That just means you're weird." Kirishima giggled as he poked Bakugo's shoulder. You're angry. Bakugo shoved him away.

"Shut the fuck up, you dick. I'm tougher than you because my body holds onto more energy!" That was a lie too. He was more tired than ever today. He hadn't slept right for the past week.

"Oh shush-"

The sounds of the world faded out as the duo walked into the lunchroom. They stood in line for food, Kirishima still talking. Bakugo just grunted in response to whatever he felt was the end of a sentence.

Why does he even talk to you?

You're such an asshole to him.

He's only hanging out with you because he pities you.

You have no real friends.

You fucking idiot.

He followed Kirishima over to the lunch table where the rest of the "bakusquad" sat. Kirishima sat down next to Kaminari. The table was loud. He knew it was. But for some reason, everything was muffled. He sat down next to Sero and set his chin in his palm.

They're probably wondering why you're not eating.

They know why.

God, you're such a fat freak.

And they know it.

Maybe they wish you'd leave.

No, they do wish you'd leave.

Permanently. In more ways than just leaving the table.

"Bakugo!!" He flashed his glare up to Mina, who was sitting on the other side of Kaminari.

"What do you want, Raccoon eyes?" He wrinkled his lip as he spoke, trying to sound more pissed than normal. She smiled a bit.

"We've been talking to you... You zoned out in class like this too. Is there something on your mind?" She stopped smiling when she said the last part. Bakugo hardened his gaze.

She doesn't really give a fuck about what's on your mind.

"I'm perfectly fine, you dumb bitch. I just don't want to talk to you idiots today. You especially, fuckin' bitch." He flipped her off before looking over at the other lunch tables around them.

No wonder she hates you.

"Sounds good. I don't feel like dying today, so I, the fuckin' dumb bitch, will shut up." She blew a small raspberry at Bakugo before making a zipper gesture over her lips. She wasn't smiling. Bakugo moved his hand so it was covering his mouth. He felt Sero's gaze befall him.  Denki took it upon himself to make Mina talk, breaking the awkward silence. Causing everyone at the table, minus Bakugo, to laugh and join in.

Lunch went by fast, just a blur of Kirishima's laughing and Mina's forced giggles. The last of Bakugo's classes went by fast as well. He couldn't even remember if he got any homework. He walked up the stairs to his dorm dragging his bag behind himself." What the hell did I learn today..." His voice was but a gentle mumble to himself as he slammed his bedroom door shut.


He felt his eyes start to water. Why had he said that to Mina at lunch? He took it a bit too far.

You're an idiot.

Get the tools...

Fix it. You hurt her feelings, hurt yourself as payback for her.

He dropped his bag and walked over to his desk, pulling out a small box. "What the hell is wrong with me...?" He kept his voice soft as he opened it and pulled out the small razor."She's so nice. Why did I say that?" He pulled up his sleeve, glancing at some of the thin scabs from the night before."I'm such an asshole." He pressed the blade to his soft ivory skin and sliced.


Yo! Dumbass author here! Wattpad is being weird about this story(I know why but still) so if you want to read it in full if the next 3 chapters don't get approved, go here My AO3 page! Thanks!!

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