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Bakugo got up early and got ready while Kirishima was still asleep, his makeshift bed a mess. His eyelids felt heavy with sleep but it didn't matter.

The nightmare was fresh in his mind, Seros mangled face kept popping up. Very little genuinely bothered Bakugo when it came to gory things, but the image of the Tape-hero's dead face made him feel sick.

He was packing a bag when Kirishima woke up.

"Good mornin', Bakubro." He yawned as he sat up and rubbed his face. Kirishima's normally spikey hair was deflated and very frizzy.

He's going to bring it up...

"Morning, shitty hair." Bakugo kept his eyes on his suitcase as he put his folded shirt in it.

"What are you doing?" There was a gentle shuffling from behind Bakugo but he ignored it.

"I'm packing a bag. We're leaving this afternoon. Remember? Or are you that stupid?" Kiri came and plopped down next to Bakugo on the floor, yawning.

"I didn't forget... But as you said, we're leaving this afternoon which is in like..." He paused to look at the clock."Three hours. You don't have to rush."

"I'd rather get the packing over with so I can wait on you losers to finish packing after those three hours."

"Oh so it's a power move." Kirishima smiled at Bakugo and nudged his arm.

No it's an anxiety move. What if I forget something? Then I'll look dumb.

"Sure." Bakugo stood up with his suitcase in his arms. He went and set it at the foot of his bed."Why the hell did you make my bed for me?" He turned a suspicious eye to Kirishima who was still on the floor, hugging his knees.

"Because I'm a good friend." He smiled."It's also a thanks for letting me stay over. It was fun! Maybe we should do it again sometime!"

Sure."Good friend."

"Sure. But next time let's not start at two in the morning." Kirishima laughed a little bit and nodded.

"Got it. One AM." Bakugo rolled his eyes as he grabbed the pale box off of his nightstand and shoved it into his suitcase."What's in that?" Bakugo eyed Kirishima.


"Yeah but what kind of stuff?" Bakugo sighed as he opened the box and pulled out a chain and some different pieces of jewelry.

"The shit I wear with my outfits you dumbass." Kirishima nodded at him."Ooooooh ok! Can steal some of that stuff from you sometime? It'd make me look ten times manlier." He raised up his hand and closed his fist.

"No." Bakugo put the jewelry back in the box and shut it. Hard. He kept a felt cover over the blades and bandages in the box, in case someone nosy decided to go through his shit.

"Awe comeon'! Why not?"

"Because I don't like you that much." Kirishima made a very over exaggerated sob noise.

"You don't like me? I thought we were bros !"

Sure you do. Liar.

Bakugo turned to look at him. Kirishima had a very pitiful look plastered on his face.

Fucking faker. Why would you even try to pity me based on how you obviously feel??

"Get that ugly-ass look off your face, shitty hair."

"It was supposed to be endearing!" Kirishima threw his hands up as he spoke.

It almost worked. You weakling, Bakugo.

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