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I would like to say that this chapter mentions someone throwing up. I know that can really bother people so I thought I should put that disclaimer here lol. Also the chapter is short sorry :(


Bakugo was snapped out of his thoughts when the door opened. Kirishima walked in, holding a tray of food."Hey..."

Bakugo looked up at him and scowled."What?" Kirishima sent a small smile towards Bakugo as he came and sat down in front of him, placing the tray on the desk.

"I thought I'd come and eat in here and hang out with my favourite explosion boy." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Why are you really in here, Shitty hair?" Kirishima took a bite of his rice and spoke with a half-full mouth.

"Like I said, I wanted to hang out with my best friend. Is that so bad? I can't believe you've been sitting in this dark classroom for the past five minutes... Actually-" Kirishima took another large bite of his food and stood up, bolting to the light switch and flicking on the bulbs overhead.

He tosses the word friend around like a hackie sack. He doesn't really see you as a friend.

Kiri ran back over and sat down so fast the desk he landed in slid to the right a bit. Bakugo sighed. "You're an idiot. You know that right?" Kirishima shrugged as he took another bite.

"You call me that a lot so yeah," He continued eating, "I know." He smiled gently."You should eat something."

There it is...

"I'm not hungry, Shitty hair." Kirishima pushed the half-empty bowl of white rice towards Bakugo and held out his chopsticks.

"You're either eating what's left of this yourself, or I'm force-feeding you the rest of my lunch." He shook the chopsticks in front of Bakugo's face."Your choice, man."

He just wants to make you fatter so he can make more fun of you behind your back...... I am a bit hungry though... A little bit of rice can't hurt that much... It can though.

Bakugo sighed and roughly took the utensil from Kirishima's hand and slowly started to pick on the rice. "Thank God. I thought you were trying to slowly kill yourself or something." Bakugo glanced up at Kirishima.

"And if I am?" Kirishima shot Bakugo a worried look back.

"Please tell me that was a bad joke-"

"You know I'm shit at jokes, Ejirou. Yes, it was an attempt at one." Bakugo lied as he took another bite. Honestly, he didn't care if he starved to death. Any way of dying that looks like it may be an accident would be wonderful for him.

Kirishima let out a soft huff of a laugh. "Good." He sat in silence for a few seconds, watching Bakugo eat with a small smile etched on his face.

"The fuck are you looking at, Idiot?" Bakugo glared at Kirishima as he sat down the empty bowl of rice on the tray. As he did that he realized how fucking hungry he was. He wanted more.

Damn. You're such a fat bitch. The rice should have been enough but you want more? You would think that the rice would've been filling, Bakugo.

It helped subside the stomach pains a bit, but it didn't deter the empty feeling that amplified the more he focused on the tray.

He snapped back into focus as Kirishima's rough voice hummed into his ears."I'm just thinking about the trip. The one to that camp, Mr.Aizawa planned." Bakugo raises an eyebrow at him.

"Ok and? What's that have to do with you staring at me?" Kirishima laughed a bit as he grabbed the chopsticks back and went back to eating his lunch.

"I just zoned out, dude. Calm down, Bakubro." He paused with the chopsticks in his mouth."Do you think I could use my teeth to whittle a chopstick into a shank?"

And that was when the dumb came out in both of them. As well as one of the moments Bakugo actually felt like maybe, just maybe, Kirishima was being honest about being friends.


By the time the lunch bell had rung, Kirishima had managed to make a pretty decent-looking skinny knife out of the chopstick. All the while Bakugo had picked on Kirishima's lunch with his fingers, slowly filling himself up.

Bakugo looked at the tray and couldn't hold back the horrible feeling that welled up inside him. He had eaten almost everything Kirishima had brought, in under 10 minutes. His stomach flipped. Once, Twice... Bakugo bolted up and sped out of the room.

"Hey!" Kirishima ran after him. Bakugo slid into a bathroom, not even checking if it was male or female, and ran into an empty stall. Emptying his stomach of its too quickly ingested contents.

You're so weak you can't even keep a little bit of food down? Jeeze Bakugo, how fucking bad are you?

Bakugo had to shake it off, he could hear Kirishima walking towards his stall."Holy shit! Are you ok?!" Kirishima placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo roughly shirked him away and stood up, wiping his mouth and flushing the toilet.

So fucking weak.

"I'm fine, Shitty hair." Kirishima took a step back.

"Are you sure? Maybe you should go back to Recover-" Bakugo whipped around to fiercely glare at Kiri.

"I said I'm fine! Ok?! Go away, I don't need your help. I'm strong on my fucking own." He shoved past Kirishima and out of the bathroom, making his way back to class.


Dumbass Author here!!

Holy crap! Thank you so much for the support! I'm glad you're all enjoying the story! I'm loving writing it and I'm hoping I can bust out a few more chapters during my free days! Thanks again!!

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