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Bakugo didn't sleep the rest of the night. Instead, he sat on his bed, going over his arms with the blade, leaving more wounds than he had a few hours ago. He had a mixture of emotions as he stepped out of his bedroom at 6 AM. He padded downstairs and slunk onto the couch with a huff.

God, I'm so tired... I'll have to act harsher today. That'll explain my tiredness.

His body felt light as a feather, and his eyesight was tunneled. Small light flecks started to crowd Bakugo's vision. He huffed and swung his head from side to side, scanning the area to fight off the tunnel vision and raise his adrenaline. It didn't work, though. It left him lightheaded and feeling more nauseous than he had a few hours before. He turned his head more slowly towards the stairs to see Mina and Denki walking down, talking to each other about some shit he could care less about. Bakugo pulled out his phone and pulled up Instagram, trying to look as though he didn't want to be talked to at the moment. "Hey, Bakubro!" Kaminari leaned over the back of the couch and smiled his annoying ass smile in Bakugo's direction.

He always looks so fucking happy with himself.

"What do you want, dunceface?" He kept his eyes on the screen. Kaminari made a hurt-sounding whimper.

"I just wanted to know how you're doing."

"Yeah, you were acting off last night, you feelin' well?" Mina's voice was cautious like she was picking her words wisely.

"Oh. I was just wondering because he looks like a living corpse an-"

"Denki!" Bakugo glanced over at the two. Mina had covered Kaminari's mouth. "Do you want us to die?" Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Just fuck off. I'm doing fine." He looked back at his phone. He heard a shift and then saw them move across the room to the kitchen table. There was peaceful silence for what felt like a solid 30 seconds before,

"Hey, Kacchan! Are you going to eat anything?"

You shouldn't.

"No. Fuck off, Deku."

"You really should you haven't eaten since yester-"

"I said fuck. off." Bakugo shot Izuku the most toxic glare he could muster. He hadn't noticed the hum of chatter around him until it stopped. He darted his gaze around the room. Pretty much the entire class was downstairs. He looked at his phone, 6:24. He had been sitting there for 20 minutes.

Of course, they all come down at the same time.

Izuku flinched and nodded."Alright." He backed up and walked back over to the small kitchen area. Bakugo stood up and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he walked to the dorm exit.

"Hey! I'll walk with you, Bakugo!" Kirishima ran up behind him, wrapping his arm over Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo shurked his shoulders, shoving Kiri's arm off of him.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Shitty hair." He pushed open the door and walked out.

"Why not? Is everything ok?" Bakugo's vision was getting more blurry by the second. He was exhausted. He could sense Kirishima was next to him, but he couldn't see the redhead.

"Yes, now go away." Bakugo put his hands in his pockets as he stormed to the main building. The flecks of light came back as he walked faster, his eyelids felt heavy, and his body was shaking. Bakugo's stomach ached intensely, and his muscles strained to keep himself standing. He trudged into the classroom and collapsed into his seat.

Don't fall asleep. Stop being so weak!!!

He lifted his hand to his mouth and roughly bit down on his fist. He was so tired it was numb.

Why isn't it working? Normally that wakes me up?

He bit harder, leaving a decent indent in the bandages that wrapped his fist. Nothing. A few sparks but nothing. He could probably bite a finger off and still feel nothing. The area around his eyes was getting darker. He blinked... Once... Twice...

When did everyone get here?

He looked at the clock, 7:00. The bell had just rung.

Am I asleep? Is this a dream? No. They'd be talking to me if it was-

"Oh, you're awake!" Deku's voice rung into Bakugos ears.

Why is his voice echoing?

He turned to look at Izuku. He looked normal."What do you want, Deku?" Izuku timidly smiled at him.

"I thought you were sleeping... Sorry, Kacchan." Bakugo rolled his eyes and looked up at the front of the classroom again. Mr.Aizawa had come in.

Why can't I hear him?

Bakugo strained his ears."Class outing... Not a normal field trip... Will be training... Extra procau... Pass these... Read..." He kept fading in and out. Bakugo started to shake. He noticed Hakagure trying to hand him something. With a jittery hand, he grabbed it. He took a page off the top then slowly passed it to Deku. He stared down at the blinding white paper in front of him. The words were doubled and blurry. The darkness around his eyes didn't help. He felt his stomach rumble.

Pains lurched through his body, and nausea coursed through him. The tunnel vision got worse, and his legs and arms started to feel like pins were being stabbed into them. His head throbbed, and it felt like his eyes were going to pop out if he didn't close them. He grabbed his head as he tried to make himself look as if he was reading the paper.

Bakugo didn't even notice that the bell had rung or that Kirishima was shaking him. He looked up at the redhead and scowled. "What?"

"The bell rang, dude. Are you doing ok? You look really pale." Kirishima, he sounded like he really was worried.

He just wants to look like a good friend. He isn't. He doesn't give a fuck about you.

"Yeah, like I said earlier, he looks like a zombie!" Was that Denki or Sero? Bakugo couldn't make out the voices as easily. His palms were sweating more than usual. He glanced around the room, everyone but his... Friends... Were gone.

"Denki be nice, jeez."

"I'm just making a point?"

"Bakugo? Yo, Bakubro? Katsuki!" Kirishima shook him really hard again. That worked. A bit of energy hit him like a wave.

What the hell?

"What the fuck is it, shitty hair?" What the hell were they talking about again? Kirishima gave him a weird look. His face was too blurry and shaky to make out.

"I think you should go to Recovery Girl... You don't look so good..." That was definitely Mina. Bakugo scanned until he landed on the pink figure.

"I'm fine, bitch." He shoved Kirishima's hands off his shoulders as he grabbed his bag. Bakugo stood up and took a step forwards.

Oh no.

His body went limp, and his eyelids fell shut. Comforting darkness enveloped him as he fainted.

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