Unsolved mysteries that Kirishima refuses to not solve

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This is a filler chapter. Kinda. It still applies to the plot but ya'know. Short.

Kirishima's point of view still.

Kirishima walked in behind Bakugo. The small "sorry" argument still chattering on pettily between the two. Bakugo grabbed a blanket and a pillow off of his bed and threw them at Kiri as he continued to bicker.

"You shouldn't apologize after everything, nimrod. You have no reason to. Take these. It just makes you sound like a yes-man." Kirishima caught the blanket but got hit in the face with the solid pillow.

"Ow. And I can say sorry all I want." He bent down and gently set the blanket on the floor."I don't want to make people feel bad. That's not manly at all!" Bakugo gave him a look that Kirishima could only categorize as affectionate.

"And that's what makes you weaker than me." He went over to his closet and opened it. He grabbed a large fluffy blanket down from the top shelf above the clothes. He then tossed it over to Kirishima."You feel like people's feelings about you matter or something like that."

"Well yeah. It matters if people think you're nice or not. If they think you're nice then they're more likely to ask you for help. As contrasted to if you're mean, Bakugo."

"I'm not mean! I'm super nice!" Kirishima couldn't help but laugh a bit at that.

"I know you are but others may see your nice acts as aggressive."

"Fuck you." Bakugo casually flipped Kirishima off as he walked over to help him set up a makeshift bed. Kiri stuck out his tongue a bit at him.

"I think you're pretty nice though, Kats." Kirishima shrugged as he unfolded the fluffy blanket and laid it out on the floor.

"Surre." Bakugo smiled a bit as he threw the pillow down at the head of the blanket. Kirishima frowned a bit at him. There's that defiance...

"It's true." Bakugo nodded slowly at him before standing up and going over to his own bed. Kirishima grabbed the extra blanket and threw it over his shoulders before going and sitting on the blanket.

"So is your laptop ok? It fell pretty hard. Did you go with it or something?" Bakugo rolled his eyes a bit.

"I did the other night. But yeah it's fine. Only damage is that crack from when I punched it."

"Wait when did that happen?" Kiri leaned forwards a bit. He tended to be pretty good at getting Katsuki out of his shell. Maybe if I get him to talk a bit out something more light I can ask him 'bout his attitude.

"Denki short circuited it. It wouldn't turn on so I punched it. It turned on, hasn't broken since. Artificial intelligence, it learns fast." He cracked his knuckles and gave Kirishima a quick smirk. Makes sense for him.

"I guess punching everything does work for you, huh Bakubro?"

"Hell yeah it does. Even the electronics know to fear me!" All powerful king explosion..."All powerful King Explosion Murder!" They both laughed a bit at that. Easy to guess that line. Common but makes sense... Still manly as Hell.

"That was a lot better than the joke you made earlier today at lunch..." Bakugo's face changed. No longer relaxed, he actually seemed to tense. He sat up a bit and nodded, his nose scrunching up.

"Right." He looked over at his pillow then back to Kirishima."I'm... Going to go to sleep." Kirishima raised an eyebrow.

"Already?" Bakugo nodded as he laid down, his back to Kirishima."Aw come on! Why?"

"I'm tired that's why." Kirishima frowned at him and sighed.

"Right... Ok... Night Bakubro..." Kirishima stood up and went over to the light switch, flicking it off. He lumbered back over to the blankets on the floor and sat down. He laid down and stared at Katsuki for a long moment.

Why'd I bring up lunch?? He obviously didn't handle that well. I shouldn't bring it up again, no matter how weird he acted.

As Kirishima's eyes adjusted to the change in light levels they shifted around the room. He didn't go into Bakugo's room very often, it was plain, with a few papers pinned to the wall here and there. The room did not reflect Bakugo's attitude nor fashion tastes one bit.

Except maybe the decked out mini drum set in the corner of the room. Stickers embellished the black paint of the set. White, red, and orange colours popped out against the shiny darkness.

Besides that the room was bland and tasteless. A rusty coloured desk sat to the left of Kiri, pressed snug to the wall. Deep red streaks line the desks wood, adding to the lovely mahogany. A lamp and some papers were scattered along the desk. An old black office chair was in front of the desk. It didn't look comfortable in any, way, shape, or form.

Bakugo's bed was to Kirishima's right. White sheets spread over it and a small ring of moonlight outlined the form of a sleeping Katsuki. His side rose and fell in a peaceful manner and Kirishima couldn't stop the small smile from inching onto his face.

Next to Bakugo's bed was a nightstand, made of similarly red wood as the desk. There was a box on it, assumptivley a jewelry box. Pale birch wood clashed with the nightstand. There was a small black lamp sitting next to the box as well as Bakugo's analog clock.

Large green numbers blinked at Kirishima alerting him that it was now half past 4 AM. He exhaled gently and buried his face into the pillow, inhaling deeply.


Kirishima's dream about kicking some villains ass with Crimson Riot was cut short when his eyes popped open. Staying quiet he saw Bakugo sitting straight up in his bed. His hands over his mouth and his eyes boring into the bedroom door. His shoulders were shaking.

That was why he woke up, he heard gasping.

Is he ok? Kiri rubbed his eyes and yawned, sitting up a bit."Bakugo?" He felt Bakugo's eyes land on him. Kirishima looked up at his friend."Is everything ok?" A thick tear ran down Bakugo's cheek as he lowered his hands.

"Yeah I'm fine shitty hair. Go back to sleep." He laid down and threw his arm over his face.

"Are you cry-"

"I said I'm fine." Kirishima jumped a bit. The only other time he'd heard Bakugo's voice drip that much venom was when he confronted Izuku about his quirk. Oh he's pissed-

"O...k..." Kiri hugged himself a bit as he looked over at the clock. 5:46. Less than 20 minutes to sleep... That's enough."Goodnight Katsuki..." He got a rough hum in response.

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