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The conversation passed by exceptionally slow, and once it was done, they ended it with, as Kirishima put it, "A Bro-Hug." A Bro-Hug that probably lasted longer than it should have. The two were excused from the morning exercise and slept pretty much the entire day.

Bakugo rubbed his eyes as he lugged himself into the bathroom for a well-needed shower. He wasn't as tired, and the voices in his head had shut up for the time being. He knew they weren't gone. Just talking to a friend couldn't cure everything for him.

He put on the water and waited for it to heat up as he undressed. No, it wouldn't solve everything. Kirishima convinced Bakugo to talk to a professional after the camp was done. Probably one at the school.

He hummed as he stepped into the warm cascade of water and rinsed out his hair. The smell of the lake leaving him. He and Kirishima had come up with few signals for Bakugo if his thoughts started to overwhelm him. Kirishima also forced Bakugo to promise that the ladder would tell if he had a nightmare or felt depressed.

Bakugo finished washing and stepped out of the shower, drying himself off. The duo had proceeded to tell their friends what was going on. Mina was horrified, to say the least. As the pair went down to ask Aizawa if they could pass on the morning exercise, she followed and continually asked Bakugo if she could do anything to help.

Bakugo walked into the bedroom and into the closet to change into his regular day clothes. Kirishima was already downstairs and eating breakfast with everyone else. He slid into a hoodie and sweatpants. He went over to his nightstand, grabbed his jewelry box, and opened it. The fabric under the chains was gone as well as the blades. He and Kiri had handed them over to the teachers to take care of. He pulled out a necklace and slid it on. He glanced over at a mirror that was hanging over next to the couch and smiled a bit.

I actually look ok for once.

Bakugo shut the box and walked to the door. He paused and stared at the knob. Only his friends know about his thoughts. Should he tell everyone else?

Once I start to talk to someone, I'll tell them. Then they'll know I'm ok.

He exhaled, walked out into the hallway, and headed downstairs.

His friends treated him normally, and unlike the past few days, his head wasn't spinning. Apparently, no one had actually made breakfast yet. So he took it upon himself to make it. The whole class tried to help make it for "memory reasons" or something like that.

Once it was done, he ate what he had made. He ate a lot. He hadn't eaten for a while, so he decided he should fill up.

The day went by fast. It wasn't filled with negative thoughts or feelings. It was fun and lightweight.

Bakugo walked into his room with Kirishima, the two laughing over a joke Bakugo had made. Bakugo sat down on his bed while Kishima did the same on his own.

"Hey, Ejirou?"


"Thanks for being my friend."


Sorry if this ending wasn't fulfilling for you. It was all I could come up with. I didn't want the story to end on a bad note so yaaay happy ending! Anyways! The story is done!! I hope you liked it!!! Thank you for all the support!!!

Also I can see the names of the libraries ya'll save these to....

Why are there so many kiribaku libraries???? This is a non-ship book????? Gshshsgh

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