Unsolved mysteries that need to be solved... by Kirishima

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This chapter is in Kirishima's point of veiw. I didn't want the chapters to be monotonous and just focused on how Katsuki feels because Mr.Shark-Man also has feelings.
I have a head-canon that Kiri looks up to Mina because she's super out-there and sweet.

!!!!!!!!!!Spoilers for MHA Season 3 don't read if you're not willing to see spoilers!!!!!!!!
The rest of the day went by slowly and Kirishima didn't bring up anything about the incident to Bakugo. He actually distanced himself from him.

Somethings off... I'll leave him be, for now, maybe he just has stuff on his mind...

Their classes went by in a misty haze that Kirishima couldn't focus on. His brain was stuck on his friend. Bakugo had gotten sick but acted like nothing happened.

Maybe he has a cold? I should tell the others, that would be manly,,, right? Caring for my friend? He fainted earlier and acted normal. Loud and snappy. This morning he was zoned out, his nice face was twisted up like he was in pain... I've never seen someone sick look in pain like that though...

He looked up from his thoughts and over at the clock. 2 more minutes until his last class was over.

"Tomorrow we'll be leaving for the camp. So remember to pack your bags. There will be more precautions than there was last time. We'll have more teachers on watch and you will be receiving phones paid for by the school so no one can track your signals. Meaning no social media." Mr.Aizawa's glare flickered over to Kaminari. The ladder shrunk back into his seat and chuckled nervously. Kirishima felt a smile creep onto his lips.

The school thought that maybe one of Kaminari's story posts lead the league of villains to find them on their last camp. It was an accident but he wasn't allowed to use social media at the school anymore.

It clicked.

Maybe Katsuki's nervous!!! At the last camp, he got kidnapped!!! I'd be nervous too. Maybe I should tell him it'll be fine. Comfort him, be a good friend! Mina would do that if she knew, right?

The bell rang and Kirishima immediately bolted up and over to Bakugo's desk, grabbing his bag. The ladder looked up at him. His face flicked from a look of tiredness, to what Kirishima could only make out as embarrassment, to his normal anger.

"Heyyyyy Bakubro!" He smiled as he situated his bag over his shoulder properly.

"What do you want, Shitty hair." His voice was monotone and dripping with hatred.

Ouch-"Are you excited about camp? I wonder what it'll be like? Mr.Aizawa said that this one was more of a reward this morning." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"It'll probably be as shitty as the last camp. Training and villains." He stood up, grabbing his knapsack and swinging it over his shoulder.

"He didn't say we'd be training. He said it was for fun! Which means pools and games and hanging outtttt!" Kiri nudged Bakugo's arm and smiled at him. Bakugo groaned.

"It sounds absolutely horrible." He started his way to the door. Kirishima walked after him.

"I think it sounds great! Bro-bonding-time!" He threw out one of his hands out and accidentally smacked Bakugo's arm.

"Do you want to die?" Kirishima laughed nervously.

"Not at all- Sorry, Bakubro..." Bakugo grumbled something before speeding up his pace.

He obviously doesn't want to talk right now... Did I say something wrong? Gah! Darn it, I forgot to try and make him feel better!! What kind of man am I?!

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