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an overview of venus fury.

an overview of venus fury

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^ what she looks like.

venus fury is nick fury's daughter. she's 24 years old, and her best friends are steve, bucky and sam. she's pietro and natasha's love interests. she's sarcastic, humorous, likes making jokes during missions and takes after her dad's personality.

she has imperfections because we love imperfections: she can randomly have voice cracks, she has stretch marks, and she has birthmarks on her hip, the back of her knees, and behind her ear.

her powers consits of: seeing the future, clairvoyance, power mimicry and telekinesis.

how she got them: they were passed down from her mother who passed when venus was 13.

how she became an avenger: nick wanted her to go through training so she could learn to control her powers. a few yeaes later, bick starts the avengers initiative and wants venus to be on the team since he thought she would be a perfect fit. they eventually came together, and venus met natasha. she quickly became best friends with steve and sam in the winter soldier.

venus and bruce are like partners in crime when it comes to missions. venus ride's on the hulk's back, clearing any enemies in the way and making sure bruce doesn't kill them.

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