[ chapter nine ]

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venus' pov

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venus' pov

we all got ready to leave, meeting up together once we got everything together. "no way we all get through this. if even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. it's gonna be blood on the floor." tony said. "i got no plans tomorrow night." steve said.

"i get first crack at the big guy. iron man's the one he's waiting for."

"i'll get nat with bruce." i told them. the silver haired boy came up to me, walking beside me. "i don't think i ever got you and your sisters names." i told him, looking up at him since he was a bit taller than me. "pietro and wanda. and yours?" he asked, accent thick. "venus. venus fury." i told him, smiling at him a bit. "pretty name for a pretty girl." we continued conversing for a bit, until tony said, "you two done flirting or can we go?"

"you're just jealous pepper doesn't want anything to do with you right now." i told him.

we made it to sokovia, and pietro was distracting the guards in the station. i was with bruce, looking for natasha. "natasha?! nat?!" i yelled, running to a room. "venus?" i heard her yell. we walk over to where she was being held. "are you okay?" bruce asks.

"yeah." she said, getting up and placing her hands on the bars. "the teams in the city." i told her. "i don't suppose you two found a key lying anywhere?" she asked. "actually, we did." i said, holding up the gun and shooting the cell door open.

"so what's our play?" natasha asked. "we're here to get you to safety." i told her. "job's not finished." "we could help with the evacuation, but i can't be in a fight near civilians. and you've done plenty. our fight is over." bruce said. "so we just disappear?" nat asked.

suddenly, everything around us starts shaking. "shit. we gotta go." i told them, "bruce, i need you to go green." i told him. "are you sure, venus?" he asks. "bruce." i looked at him, raising my eyebrows at him. he took a deep breath, "okay." he said. i pushed him off the edge and he fell.

i turned to nat, starting to rant. "oh my god, i'm so sorry i didn't come to get you sooner. i didn't want to let you go, but you told me to, and i started panicking, and i didn't know what to do, and i-" i stopped when i felt plump lips on mine.

natasha goddamn romanoff was kissing me.

her hands slowly moved to my hips, gripping them tightly and pulling me closer to her. she pulled me close enough to the point where our chests were touching. i wrapped my arms around her neck, kissing her back. she pulled back for air, saying, "you talk too much." she told me. i laughed a bit, "a habit of mine." i said, looking straight into her eyes. "it's a cute habit of yours, my love."



i flushed, praying she couldn't see it. bruce all of a sudden jumps back up in front of us, roaring in anger. "hey, bud." i told him, smiling. this was one of my favorite parts about these missions.

PLANET VENUS - natasha romanoff Where stories live. Discover now